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A knife.

My whole body started to shake. The evil memories of what happened last time clouded my mind.

"What do you think your doing!" My father spat.

Shit. Oh no.

My father had caught me, desperately searching for any scraps of food I could find in the dust covered cupboards.

"I-I umm, I-I was j-just" I stuttered, but my father cut me off.

"Oh I know full well what you were doing" my father started,

"YOU are trying to steal MY food, from MY cupboards, behind MY back"

I didn't reply, instead I hung my head in shame, guilt plastered across my tired face.

I was a growing boy, I was already as thin as a stick and I knew I wouldn't survive like this much longer, unless I managed to get some food.

The only reason I had survived all these years was from Lisa sneaking any little scraps of food she could, down to me, behind my own fathers back.

But, recently she had gone to stay with her mother. She was going to surprise her with the news of the pregnancy. At first Lisa insisted that my father joined her, but of course nothing ever goes right for me so he decided to stay.

"Now now Lukey, you should know that all naughty boys need to be punished" my father's words made my heart beat faster, I knew what was coming next.

A twisted smirk was etched on my father's face as he slowly began walking up to me.

My back was firmly pressed against the dull, kitchen wall as my father stood about 1 meter away from me, I could see the anger building up inside him.

This wasn't going to end well.

"I SHOULD JUST FINISH YOU NOW!" My father screamed, "THEN OUR WONDERFUL NEW CHILD WILL NOT HAVE THE MISFORTUNE OF KNOWING YOU" a tear escaped my eye, as I thought about how right my father was.

I don't blame him for not wanting his and Lisa's new baby to know me. I wouldn't want my child to live with a scrawny waste of space, like me.

By now I could feel my father's hot breath on my cheek, as my head was tilted slightly to the right, in an attempt to escape his deathly glare.

In one swift movement my father's giant hands were tightly wrapped around my skinny neck, as I struggled to get oxygen into my lungs.

My arms and legs were thrashing everywhere as he held me against the wall. No matter how hard I tried I couldn't free his grip.

I must have got him a few times, as I saw even more anger in his eyes.

Eventually I stopped struggling and my whole body relaxed.

Before I knew it my body was sprawled across the floor, as I clung to my chest inhaling as much air as I could.

The tears in my eyes clouded my vision and I felt lightheaded, but I just about make out the deadly figure towering above my limp body.

He forcefully pulled his leg back launching it into my stomach.

He repeated this a few times. Each one felt as if it were powerful enough to crack my ribs.

I was still struggling for breath, but my vision had returned. As I looked up I was met with the black eyes of my so called father.

The grin he held on his face was definitely the worst yet. It held pure hatred and showed no regret.

Switch ~ jake brooksWhere stories live. Discover now