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Luke's Pov

I looked cautiously around, though my eyes were only met with darkness. As I looked up I could faintly see the silhouettes of the dying trees, outlined by the slight glow of the grey moon.

The damp, brown leaves squelched beneath my bare feet as I quietly manoeuvred around the trees. I put my skinny arms out and began to trace the harsh bark with my small fingers. I continued to investigate my unknown location, when suddenly I heard a desperate cry for help.

I let out a horror filled gasp, as realisation hit me and I began to run as fast as my legs would carry me, towards the source of the terrified screams.

I had no idea where the screams came from or who they came from, but my feet seemed to drag me to the correct place.

Within seconds of running through prickly bushes, whilst dodging huge oak trees I reached a small clearing.

I squinted my eyes in an attempt to see in the dim light. I could see too dark figures, one was on the floor crying in pain, whilst the other was hovering above letting out a twisted laugh.

I quickly dashed behind a tree, hoping it would hide my frail body from the people in front of me.

"H-h-help m-me please! A-anybody?" The innocent boy cried in distress.

"There's nobody out there, there's no one to here your screams. No one to save you" the cruel words slipped out of the mans mouth with ease, almost as if he had been revising them.

He let out another twisted laugh, before plunging his bloody fist back towards the boys stomach.

His words repeated in my head, over and over again. I recognised them. The evil voice, the twisted chuckle, the brutal actions. It could only be one man...

My father. My own father was now harming another innocent soul, ruining another innocent life.

I had to do something to save the poor boy. My mind frantically began to think of ways I could help him, without causing anymore harm.

I scrunched my eyes deep in thought when another loud scream entered my ears. I didn't have a lot of time and needed to act fast.

The once dim moonlight was now perfectly illuminating the clearing and I peered around the tree making sure my father wasn't facing me. Luckily he wasn't so I made a dash for the scene in front of me, though I was stopped. I froze in my tracks when I locked eyes with the boy.

I suddenly began to feel dizzy and I knew exactly why. I looked the boy up and down.

His body was small, like my own. His clothes were ripped to shreds, evidence of his failed attempts of escape. His hair was knotted and tangled and mud was smeared across his Pale face, along with various cuts and bruises. His skinny armed and legs were covered in blood as he hopelessly fought against my father.

His distressed cries had turned into soft whimpers, though I still couldn't move due to what I was witnessing.

The boy was me.

I suddenly woke up. Beads of sweat were running down my forehead as my eyes filled with tears. My chest was heaving up and down dramatically as I tried to catch my breathe.

Eventually my breathing returned to a steady rate and even though I was still covered in sweat I was able to think back to the dream.

It was me all along. I was the one being beaten, I was the one letting out desperate screams, I was the one crying for help. But just like reality the no one came to help me, I didn't even help myself, instead I just stood there in utter shock. I had now lost the little ounce of hope I had left. How could Lisa save me, if I couldn't even save myself?

A deep sigh escaped my lips.

I looked over to the plastic table to the right of me and noticed a metal box with thousands of different buttons.

Curiosity got the better of me as I leant over the bed and pressed a button, in an attempt to occupy myself. Suddenly a loud sound could be heard throughout my room and I let out a little scream due to the increase in noise. I quickly fiddled with a few buttons in hopes of decreasing the volume.

It seemed to work, as the music was now at a tolerable volume. I assumed the peculiar object was a radio.

Throughout my life, the only electrical devices I had seen where a fridge, a microwave and a TV. Though I once saw a radio on a TV show and it looked almost identical to the silver box.

I was fascinated by the music playing. A wide smile automatically spread across my face, as I sat back and relaxed. The music entered my ears and flowed around my head. I listened intently to the lyrics, for they had so much meaning and for a few hours I was able to escape my brutal life and enjoy myself.

Lisa's Pov

I was now on my way back to the hospital. I had visited my mother to check on Amanda and everything was fine.

On my way I quickly stopped off at a clothes shop to grab Luke a pair of jogging bottoms and a t-shirt, for when he is released.

The radio was blasting music into my car, as I sang along to every word, though it abruptly stopped as I parked my car.

I pushed the door open, before grabbing my handbag and the clothes I had recently bought for Luke.

I quickly made my way up to the main entrance, eager to check how Luke was feeling, but I froze in my tracks when I noticed Luke was already here.

He had a dark blue cast on his leg and was leaning against the back of a wheelchair with half closed eyes. An older boy occupied the space next to him and they shared similarities in terms off appearance, almost as if they were brothers.

Though, the strangest part was that a complete stranger was pushing his wheelchair. She was fairly tall with dark brown hair and eyes and was fully engaged in a conversation with the older boy.

I was beyond confused. What was Luke doing with this woman? Why would the doctors allow a random woman to take Luke? I quickly rushed over to them.

"Luke....luke!" I shouted whilst running over to them. He seemed to take no notice of me and continued to sit peacefully with his eyes shut.

The mysterious woman saw me and instantly looked nervous, yet excited when she heard me calling Luke's name.

Once I reached them I knelt down to Luke's level,
"Luke sweetie it's Lisa, are you ok?" Though, still I got no reply.

I stood up quickly brushing myself off and began to interrogate the woman.

"Excuse me, who are you and what are you doing with Luke?" I harshly asked, whilst grabbing the handles of the wheelchair out of her hands.

She looked taken back at first, but she quickly shook herself out of it and answered my questions, "M-my names G-Gina" she stuttered, I really couldn't understand why she was so nervous.

She took a deep breathe before continuing, "But that's not Luke"

So that was chapter nine! I tried to upload it sooner that usual, as it took me so long to update last time. I hope you all enjoyed it and thank you for all of your votes and comments! Please leave a comment if you think there is anything I can improve on, or if there is anything you like.

Thank you, byee:)

Switch ~ jake brooksDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora