
501 21 15

Jai's Pov

My body jerked forward suddenly, fresh tears were rolling down my flushed cheeks and my heart was pounding against my chest.

I closed my eyes tightly, forbidding any more tears from escaping and attempted to calm my uneven breathing.

I had yet another nightmare. The images of the eerie, dark forest and the silhouettes of the scrawny branches replied in my mind. But, what haunted me the most was the sickening voice of the evil man, who's identity was still unknown.

Suddenly, I felt a soothing cool hand touch my forehead lightly, I jumped back slightly at the unexpected touch. When I opened my eyes I expected to see mum stood there, but instead I was met with the vibrant eyes of Beau.

"Hey Jai, are you ok?" He asked softly

"U-uhh y-yes" I lied, though Beau gave me a suspicious look and decided to take a seat on the floor next to me.

"Don't lie to me" He replied sternly, leaving me surprised.

"I-I'm fine, honestly" I ensured, praying that he wouldn't question me further.

Though truthfully, I wasn't. I wasn't ok at all, but I wouldn't let Beau find out. I couldn't.

Beau let out a prolonged sigh, breaking the silence and informing me of his growing frustration.

I continued to sit still, picking at the loose threads on my jumper. I could feel Beaus eyes burrowing into the side of my face, but I don't make eye contact afraid of what questions he may ask me.

"What was it about?" He asked in a monotone voice, catching me off guard.

"U-um what was what about?" I cluelessly asked back, still avoiding his strong gaze.

"You know what I'm on about Jai, your nightmare" I could clearly sense the frustration in his voice.

The horrid memories of my reoccurring nightmare began to flood into my mind. I closed my eyes tightly, attempting to block them out, but it seemed to only worsen the situation. All I could hear was his taunting voice calling my name, over and over again.

The dreaded sick feeling in my stomach returned and I began to feel light headed.

I could faintly hear Beau saying my name, he sounded like he was miles away yet I could still sense worry and fear in his voice. I tried to open my eyes, but I couldn't see properly through my cloudy tears. My stomach pain had intensified, causing bile to rise up my throat.

Suddenly I gagged and before I had time to think, the contents of my stomach was on the living room floor.

I was a mess.

Tears had drenched my creased clothes and I had worked up a sweat, causing my matted, brown hair to stick to my forehead. My heart rate had dramatically increased, as had my breaths and Beau, who was no longer by my side, stared at my state in pure shock.

I carefully placed my throbbing head on the arm of the sofa groaning in pain at the contact and awaited Beau's next move, whilst trying to calm myself down.

Beau snapped back to reality and rushed to my side, dodging the mess on the floor. He blew cold air on my forehead and continuously mumbled sweet, soothing words into my ears.

Once I had finally managed to compose myself I quietly asked Beau for a glass of water, I needed to rid my mouth of the foul taste.

He immediately followed my commanded, rushing into the kitchen and returning with an ice cold drink.

Switch ~ jake brooksOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora