Joe Imagine: Good Enough

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A/N: This is based on the song from Empire "Good Enough"

You stood over the stove, stirring a pot of Mac and cheese when the door opened. You turned and saw your boyfriend since middle school, Joe.

"Hey honey." You smiled kissing him. Joe smiled back and put down his old guitar.

"Hey. How was your day?" He asked. You shifted nervously.

"Well, the landlord stopped by today." You answered.

"Again?" Joe sighed.

"Yeah. Rents due at the end of the month."

"No! The album is coming the first week of next month. Then I'll get paid. Did you ask for an extension?"

"Yes, but he said it had to be by the end of the month." Joe growled and kicked the chair next to him. You slightly flinched and sighed. This was a time where you think back on what would have happened if you declined Joe on his offer to come and live with him. To forget about college and live with him as he started his dream to become a musician. Maybe then you two wouldn't have to be so tight on money.

"It's alright Joe; we'll figure something out. We always do." You said softly.

"But we're gonna get kicked out of our house and my guitar is totaled. Pete was fucking around today and totally killed it." Joe sighed sitting on the same chair he kicked. You smiled and looked around.

"Joseph, close your eyes." You ordered. Joe sighed and put his hands over his eyes as you ran to get something from the bedroom. You came back, excitement radiating from every pore in your body.

"Okay, open 'em!" You cheered. Joe opened his eyes and they instantly filled with tears.

"You got me a guitar." He said with his voice breaking.

"Yeah, I thought you needed one and our 7 year anniversary was coming up." You smiled.

"I didn't even get you a thing for our anniversary."

"Joey, it's alright. I had some money from my tips at the diner and I saved up." Tears rolled down Joe's face as he cried.

"Joe, what's wrong?" You asked.

"I'm not good enough for you." He sobbed.

"Excuse me? Joseph, your the best thing I could ever ask for."

"I ruined your life. Tell me, did you actually picture yourself living in a rundown apartment, hiding from your landlord because you have debts or were you in college living your dream?" Joe asked, looking at you. You sighed and looked him in the eye.

"Plans change, but the one thing that didn't change, was the fact that I was gonna be with you, every step of the way. I love you Joseph and I'd sacrifice anything for your dream. I want what you want." You answered. Joe looked at you with disbelief all over his face.

"I definitely don't deserve you." He sighed.

"Yeah, but your stuck with me. I'm with you to the end of the line." You replied. Joe laughed, put the guitar down.

"I love you (Y/N)." He said kissing you.

"I love you too Joey."

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