Andy Imagine: My Dearest Pt.2

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"(Y/N)? Wake up my lady." A soft voice said, lulling you into consciousness.

"Brendon, what is it?" You asked.

"Pete, he has requested you see him. Something about keeping peace between the kingdoms." You rubbed the drowsiness from your eyes and made your way to your shower. You put on a elegant dark green dress and fixed your hair into a braided crown. When you walked out, Brendon was dressed in his daily warrior attire.

"You shall be out for the day?" You asked.

"Sorry my love. Trouble in the TØP kingdom." Brendon replied kissing you. You smiled as he pulled back.

"I'll see you for dinner with your family." He assured you. You nodded and watched him leave. You found your green heels and left your chambers. You walked outside the palace and saw Pete waiting on the bridge.

"(Y/N)! Come quickly." He called. You made your way over to him hastily.

"What is the trouble Peter?" You asked.

"Andy. He has requested to see you or he will destroy the kingdoms." Pete explained. You groaned and rolled your eyes.

"Andy, forever the child. Let us go." You agreed.

"Henry!" Pete called to our driver. We were driven to the dungeon and walked right to Andy's cell.

"(Y/N), you came." Andy gasped happily. You scoffed and glared at him.

"To save the kingdoms. What do you want Andy? I haven't all day." You barked. He flinched at your harsh tone and you soon felt sorry.

"I still love you (Y/N). No matter how much I want to deny it, I will always love you. Please, give me a chance to show you that I can be there for you this time." Andy begged. You looked at him as your brain was having a war with your heart. You knew Andy was bad. He tricked you once having you believe he was dead! But then again, his tricks are what partially made you fall in love with him. You shook your head and turned away.

"Andy, no matter how much I care for you, love you even, I cannot." You sighed.

"Because of Brendon? My love, we can runaway to any kingdom of our choice. We can be together." Andy argued.

"No, I am to be wed Andy. Sometime soon I supposed knowing mother and father." You could feel Andy's intense stare boring holes into your back.

"Well, I wish you the best (Y/N). If, it is not too much to ask, may I be granted one last kiss?" He asked softly. You turned to him and motioned to Pete to open the cell. You walked to Andy and planted a ghost of a kiss on his lips.

"Goodbye, my love." You mumbled. You then turned and left with Pete.

My; to think that's the last kiss Andy and you will ever share. It made your knees weak and your heart hurt. Oh what were you doing?

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