Andy Imagine: Trapped

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"It's cold." You muttered.

"I know." Andy replied.

"I'm hungry."

"I know."

"I hate you."

"I know." It was snowing super hard in New York where you lived with your boyfriend, Andy. The snow got so bad that it trapped you two inside and took out the power.

"Andy, I don't really hate you." You mumbled snuggling into his chest.

"Yeah, I know." He sighed.

"I just want food! All we have is ramen noodles, hot dogs, and peanut butter sandwiches. I don't even like peanut butter sandwiches that much!" 

"It'll be okay baby. I can still make the Ramen?" You hesitated before answering.

"Will it keep me warm?" You asked.

"We can hope." Andy smiled. He got up and went to find the noodles when a knock was heard from the front door.

The snowed in front door.

"Andy, are you expecting someone?" You asked quietly.

"Hell no." He mumbled. You both walked to the door and cautiously opened it. You saw Pete there freezing.

"What are you doing out there?! You look like a emo popsicle." You asked pulling him inside.

"I-I d-don't want t-to hear it." He chattered.

"Pete, why are you here?" Andy asked.

"I was lonely. Can we watch movies together?" Pete asked hopefully.

"We have no power." You informed him. Pete's face deadpanned.

"Are you kidding me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Nope. Sorry pal." Andy sighed. 

"Whelp, see you guys tomorrow." Pete shrugged. He opened the door and left...into the freezing snow. You and Andy shared amazed glances.

"That guy is insane." You mumbled.

"Yeah. Well, that was pretty fun right?" Andy replied slowly.

"I guess this is what happens when we're trapped."

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