Pref #13: He Protects You

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"Hold on, (Y/N), I can't hear you sweetie...He did what?!...Where are you?...I'm coming over." Patrick said on the phone with you. You hung up the phone and curled up in a ball on your couch. When Patrick came, he sat next to you, pulling you into his lap.

"'re okay. You're gonna be okay." He cooed.

"B-But what if I'm not Patrick? I really thought Matthew liked me. He was only doing it for a stupid dare. Can you believe him? We dated for almost three months and on the third month, he tells me he never loved me." You sobbed clinging onto Patrick's cardigan.

"I'm gonna kill that guy." Patrick sighed, kissing your forehead.

"He never loved me! Him and his friends had such a laugh over me, the main idiot."

"You're not an idiot (Y/N). They're idiots for what they did to you. I promise, I'll never let anything like that happen to you again. I'll punch everyone who comes to threaten you.(If anyone who you don't feel comfortable with asks you if you're single, tell them you're with me.) That oughtta keep them at bay." You smiled and hugged Patrick.

"Thank you." You said brokenly. Patrick kissed your cheek and pulled you closer to him.

"Anytime." He mumbled.


"You bitch! I'm totally gonna fuck you up." (Random Girl Name) said as she tied her hair back.

"Damn." You mumbled. Now who was gonna save you from this psycho who's always trying to start something. Today you were talking to your friend about a piece of art work that belonged to (Random Girl Name). She thought you were making fun of it and now she wanted to fight you...great.

"Um...(Random Girl Name), I don't think we have to fight. Let's just agree this was a misunderstanding and I'll go home. Sounds good right?" You pleaded. She growled and swung her first at you, hitting you in the jaw. You stumbled and fell to the floor.

"Aw shit." You groaned. When you prepared yourself for another punch, you found it wasn't coming. You looked up to see Joe restraining (Random Girl Name).

"Well aren't you a lucky loser. I just happened to be walking by when I see you getting your ass kicked. You're welcome." He said sarcastically. You smiled gratefully.

"Thanks Joey." You sighed.

"You owe me. Pizza on you at your house tonight."

"Whatever you want." With that, you turned on your heels and ran home.


"Touch her ass again! I dare all of you! Touch this girl again and I'll know. In a matter of fact I'll know before you do it. Now get out of!" Pete yelled at the crowd of guys who were all touching your butt.

"Thanks Pete. I just, I never knew guys were that thirsty."  You sighed.

"Been thirsty my dear friend. Take this. " Pete said throwing a jersey at you. His #3 hockey jersey.

"Really? Your jersey?" You chuckled.

"If anyone who you don't feel comfortable with asks you if you're single, tell them you're with me. Makes things easier for you." Pete explained. You smiled and kissed his cheek.

"You're such a sweetheart." You said.


You sat on your couch watching How To Get Away With Murder, when a little movement of a small black creature set me off.

"Andrew!!!! There is a spider here." I yelled in fear. Andy sighed audibly and came down the stairs.

"So, I heard there's a spider near and to become a man worthy enough for you, I have to kill it." He said jokingly.

"Oh my gosh please. If you don't I'll be forced to be in the same room as it Andy. I'll cry." You begged. Andy smiled and grabbed a shoe, crushing the tiny spider.

"Mission accomplished." He smiled kissing your cheek.

"My hero." You sighed happily.

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