Chapter 5 - How I snapped

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One day, when I came home from school, one of the neighbours was stood outside my house, his hands on his hips, staring up intently at my parents' leaded bedroom window.

I slipped Jaz further up my waist and held onto Seb's hand tighter as I cleared my throat. Mr Jenkins from next door turned round to face me, his plump face became flushed at my presence, I raised my eyebrows and asked him if he was okay.

"Yes Matthew I'm fine, I was just wondering if everything was alright"

"I'm sorry?"

"Well I heard screaming coming from your house..." I froze and Seb gulped from beside me "...and come to think of it I haven't seen Beth in months, is she okay?"

"She's fine" I lied through gritted teeth, what was it to him anyway? Oh let's call social services and get us all separated, ship Dad away fine let him waste away, I didn't care about him anymore. But separating us from Mum would tear her apart.

Mr Jenkins straightened out his tiny little jumper that he always wore and pushed his oval wire framed glasses up his nose as he stepped closer to me, I towered above him like a tower block.

"Matthew" he began and I groaned inside. Oh here we go.

"Is everything okay at home?"

No Mr Jenkins, it isn't. For over a year my Dad has been physically and mentally abusing my mum and she can hardly move, and she looked like she had just walked out of a war camp.

"Everything is fine Mr J" I smiled as cheerfully as I could, my cheeks aching slightly from where I hadn't smiled for so long. "Tell him Seb"

I looked down at Seb and widened my eyes, Seb looked at me an for a minute I thin he understood that something bad could happen if he told the truth, ever Dad would hurt us badly and then proceed onto hurting mum again for it or we would be seperated.

Seb looked up at Mr Jenkins and smiled wide, showing the gap in his teeth.

"Everything's fine Mr J, Mum has been working late, maybe that's why you haven't see her?"

Oh what a smart kid.

"That makes sense!" He smiled and then began to walk away with a quick farewell.

"Wait..." I hesitated. Should I tell him?  I thought. Would it help?

Mr J turned round to face me again, looking confused, Seb squeezed my hand and lightly stepped on my foot to snap me out of it.

"I just wanted to say thanks for the concern"

He nodded and smiled and walked away.


I walked into the hallway, dread rushing over me as I was back to the war-zone as Seb and I called it.

"Matthew come here" Dad's voice said firmly from the living room. I looked at Seb and gradually handed him Jaz.

"Go through the kitchen and put her in her high chair, pull up a kitchen chair and get Dad a beer" I whispered and he nodded, plodding away to the kitchen.


I rushed into the living room to stand before him where he sat on the sofa. I refused to look him in those devil eyes of his and instead looked at his clammy forehead.

"Who were you talking to out there Matthew?"

Oh shit.

"Mr Jenkins was just asking if everything was okay. Said he heard screaming. I assured him everything was fine with Seb to back me up and Seb said that Mum was working late hours and that's why he didn't see her"

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