Chapter 13 - The Man away from the glass

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*Present day*

"But you can't come and see me. Why the hell would you go and see him Matt?" Hazel shrieks through the phone as I somewhat stumble back to my car.

"I-I don't know Hazel...I really don't know"

"Okay where are you now?"

"Outside the fucking prison aren't I? I'm going home, I've got an early class tomorrow"

She sighs through the phone, I imagine her running a hand through her dark hair.

"Hazel, are you ready?" A voice says in the background.

"What? Oh Dan, sorry. I'll just be a minute-"

"Haze you should go" I say, shutting my car door behind me. I glance up at the little scented green tree hanging from my mirror, I flick it and sigh.

"No Matt, you're upset-"

"I'll be fine" I give a short laugh "I'm always fine"

"Okay if you're sure, just make sure that you come home soon"

"Student holidays are a few weeks away, I'll be on the first ferry I promise" I smile weakly, grasping the wrist of the shaking hand holding the phone.

"I'll be thinking of you"

"I know. And I'll still be sending you a few more answers for your column" I swing my keys round my finger.

"Okay Mr The Aider" she giggles "I'll catch you later"

"Bye Haze"

I end the call and lean back in my seat, I know he's still a sick monster, but I think seeing him gave me some sort of closure. Sounds weird I know, because he wasn't exactly regretful about what he did to his family, but I think because I've overcome it and we are happy, seeing the man who caused my pain, when I wasn't hurting anymore sealed it.

I press my Mum's number and wipe away the frustrated tears on my face.

Be strong Matt. I remind myself.

"Matt? Hi honey!"

"Hello Mum" I smile at the sound of her cheerful voice "how are you?"

"I'm very good thank you, Jim says hi"

"Tell him hi back"

Oh I didn't tell you about Jim did I? Jim is my soon to be stepfather. I know, I can't believe it either, I'm so proud of Mum for being so confident in herself and accepting it wasn't her fault.

Everyone's in a relationship or getting hitched these days. James and Laura have been married for four years now, Dan and Hazel stayed together and so did the others miraculously. Emma and Ollie had a bumpy patch when Emma went travelling, but they made it out together, something they promised each other.

And me?

Still single aha. Have been all this time. I just don't think I've found the right person yet.

"So what made you want to call me son?"

"Don't freak out on me"

"You got a girl pregnant didn't you?! I thought James told you, even though it worked out for them it wasn't so easy in the beginning-"

"No mum!" I cut across "I um...saw Lucas" my voice cracks slightly and I clear my throat.

"You're going to have to speak up love, Jaz's singing along to something on the TV. I'll go into another what were you saying?"

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