Episode #1

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So I just got a big order in so Imma fill in. I am going to spliy this on into two chapters so lets get started. Champagne, Amethyst, Red, Steven and Garnet! Front and center please!

*The Five appear in front of Me and I chuckle* A few dares and asks from.....*Reads clipboard*..... NiyaBaby. Garnet?

Garnet: Yo.

You have been dared to unfuse.

Garnet: No.

Steven: Oh come on, Garnet! Please! I wanna see Ruby and Sapphire again!

Garnet:.....Hmmmm......No. Sorry, Steven.

Garnet you only have to stay unfused for....*Reads clipboard* two chapters and then you may refuse.

Garnet: *sighs* Fine. *Garnet begins to turn into a huge beaming light then Into Ruby and Sapphire*

Ruby. Sapphire. Nice too meet you both!

Red: Sup, Rub. Hey Sapph.

Steven: *Stars appear in his eyes* Ruby! Sapphire!

Ruby: *Rolls her eyes at me then looks at Red* Red......Is that you?

Red: One and only kid.

Sapphire: Hello Steven. *Hugs Steven and waves at me* Nice to meet you too.

Ruby: Sapphire. ....Its Red! It's really Red!

Sapphire: So that was her......Oh my god....

Steven: *Confused* You two know h-

That enough! I'm sorry to cut that one short but We are packed with dares and asks!

Amethyst: If packed means like four! *snickers*

........Moving on.......*fixes her glasses and reads her notes again* Hmmmm.....*smirks* Ooooooh Coooooonnnnnnnie?

*Connie appears and waves at Steven*

Connie: Yes?

We need you for Steven's dare. Steven you have been dared to kiss Connie!

*Greg runs in*

Greg: Wait what!? They're only kids they shouldn't be doing things like that yet!

Relax. It's a cheek kiss as all. Now.....*kicks him out* this is not your chapie, Hon.

Steven: *blushing* Bye Dad!

Bye indeed. Now kiss little miss Connie. You know you want to.

Steven: Do not!

Connie: *blushes* You don't want to kiss me.....?

Steven: No! I mean......I do......but....I ummmm *Kisses her cheek* There i did it! And I ummm....

Red: *laughs* Young love is soooo cute! I remember when you and Sapphire was like that! *pats Ruby's back* Remember that, Shortie?

Ruby: Yeah I rememb-......WHO YOU CALLING SHORTIE?!?!?!

Steven&Connie: Young love.....?

Yep.....But moving on! Red, you're up next! This one is our first ask and it says: "Tell us about yourself. Who were you on homeworld? Who are you now?" Oh a three parter!

Red:.....Where to start......Well back on homeworld, I went by General R. Topaz and I was well known......and hated. I worked along side many great warriors such as General Rose Quartz.

Steven: You knew my mom?! *Stars in his eyes*

Red: Yeah. She was a amazing friend! Just like you, Kid. And to answer that last part: I actually joined Rose's forces in the middle of the war. That lead me to stay on earth after Crystal Gem's victory. I would been killed if I went home. So I stayed and moved far away from Beach City in order to "find my Earth way". I went to a small German village. I stayed there for years and years until I found a baby more than 200 years after the war was over. I raised her as my own every since. She is actually Steven's age.

Interesting! Amethyst! You are next! You have been asked: " Do you think about what homeworld looks like?"

Amethyst:.......*Frowns and rubs her arm* No.....I mean yeah sometimes. I don't think too far into though.......

*Pats her shoulder and gives her a smile* You want my Sandwich and plate?

Amethyst: Oh Yeah!!!! *Runs to the break room*


Red: *Chuckles* Too late for that.

Shut up......Anyway Champagne, You're last on my list today. You have been asked: "Whats your Gemstone? Where is it? What's your weapon?"

Champagne: Thats easy enough. My Gem is The Champagne Diamond. Its right here *taps the patch thats covers her left eye* My gem is where my left eye should be. And My weapon......*Pulls up the patch and summons a large fan* Is this fan here.

How much Damage can a fan do......like its a fan......What is it gonna do? Keep me cool?

Champagne: *glares* Want to find out?

Red, Ruby, you gonna back me up or naw?

Ruby: Why should I?

Red: Don't feel like it.

Then I'm good, Champagne. *Chuckles and rubs the back of her neck* Thats a wrap. See you all next Episode!

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