Episode #3

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Hello and Everyone and its time for a new episode! Lets gooooo♥

Steven: *Smiles up at me* Ooooooh do I have anything today?

*I pat his head and giggles* No My darling Steven! Today everyone has a day off!

*Everyone cheers and leaves. I grab Jasper and pull her back*
Everyone buuuuuuuttttttttttt JASPER! Yay!

Jasper: WHAT?!

Yeah sorry! Today you got a dare frommmmmm......*Checks her notes* Ah Qster33. The dare asks you to......*Chuckles* Hahahahah!

Jasper: *Annoyed* What?! Whats so funny!?

Ahem.You must run around Town and Scream "I'm a big buff Cheeto Puff" at everyone you see! *Pushes her out the door* Have fun! DONT HURT ANYONE.

*24 hours of Running and screaming later*

Oh Jasper you're late. The whole cast has been back.

Jasper: Shut up.....Just.....Shut up....*Sulks in the corner*

Whats wrong with her......*Red Hits me upside the head and points to her phone* Red, what was that for!?

Red: Oh Shut up and look at the video. You are the only one who hasn't seen it.

Fine.....*Red plays the video showing Jasper screaming at random kids and getting hit with purses by their mothers* Hahahah

Red: Shush.....there's more!

*continues watching the video, Jasper is now getting hit with random fruits and vegetables. She growls and finally lashes out.....Only to get smashed in the head by Garnet and gets poofed. Red Topaz then enters the screen and picks up Jasper's Gem.*

-In Video-
R. Topaz: Good Work Garnet. *She pockets Jasper's Gem as Garnet nods to her*

Garnet: Yeah.....Lets get her out of here.

R. Topaz: Mhm~ *Chuckles and wraps an arm around Garnet* Now.....What type of gift should I ummm get Lapis?

Amethyst: Why do you wanna get here a gift? Do you liiiiiiiiikkkkkkke her?

R. Topaz: What!?! No! S-she's just a good friend.

Garnet: *Nods* She totally likes her.

R.Topaz: Wah! Rub.....Sapph.....Garnet!!! *blushes* I don't like her! SHUT UP!! *Looks straight at the camera* Amethyst......Are you still recording!?

Amethyst: Haha.....Nooooooooo

*Red growls and runs at the Camera, Video cuts*

Red:.......Yeah everyone has seen the video.....But that part.

Red has a crush! *Snickers and waves* Well thats a wrap. Qster33, thanks for the Dare! Remember when the skies as grey, Talk it out and let them turn to blue! Byyyyyeeee!

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