Episode 7(Holiday Special)

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Crystal: *Appears in front of the closed curtains* Hello everyone. I just wanted to say there might spoilers if you are Very behind on this current season of SU. So continue at your own risk. Enjoy the show. *heads back to his post as the curtains open up*

*A huge stage filled with a brown sofa and matching brown chairs appear. On stage, there is also a brown coffee table and some plants. Lastly There is a huge Turkey cutout next to the sofa.  Around this stage is a huge studio audience*

Crystal(over a loud speaker): Hello viewers at home! Welcome to Ask or Dare: Su style! It's also our Thanksgiving special! Here's your host, The ruler of a land called Germany! Queen!

*Appears from a cloud of Orange smoke in the middle of the stage* Hello everyone! Its nice to see you all again! We have a great show planned for you today!  But before we get to that I want you all to give Crystal some love!

Crystal: *Gets the spot light and some cheers* Thank you all! But Queen, Isn't it time to start the show?

Crystal,  my dear you always say that.  Anyways who is up for today?

Crystal: Today we have our newest cast members! Say Hello to Harold Smiley, Quentin Frowny and Andy Demayo. Don't ask how I managed to sign all three of these men at the Same time........ What?

You wasn't supposed to read that last part dear.

Crystal: Oh.......

*She sit in her brown chair as the three come from the right side of the stage. Cheers and clapping fill the place as Harold smiles happily and  Quentin waves timidly. Andy just keeps a straight face. The former comedian duo sit on the sofa across from her while Andy pulls up a extra chair.*

Hello Gentlemen. Nice to see you all today.  *looks at her clipboard* I have three asks for all of you and one dare for one you. I think I'll start  this sandwich with Demayo.  *Laughs at her own bad joke*

Andy: Hahaha so funny.  *Eye roll*

Anyways Andy How do you feel about Living in Beach city again?

Andy: I wasn't quite pleased with the idea of my cousin allowing illegal aliens to live in my barn. But they are good family to Steven so I'll get over it. I'll enjoy being with Steven and Greg so it will be okay.  Who knows maybe the...... Gems will grow on me.

Hmm sounds wonderful.  My next question is how do you feel about Greg allowing The Gems to raise Steven?

Andy: Personally I don't agree with it. But that's not my son I don't have much of a say. But I can say this they are doing something right with that boy.

Agreed.  Steven is such a nice boy. Now have you met any other beach city residents? 

Andy: No not really.

Alright.  In due time.  Now Time to move on to Mr. Frowny.  Now my first question is What made you get up and say "I have to talk to Harold"?

Quentin: Well I mean........ I don't know what it was.  I just got up one morning and felt like it was time to make it right.

Alright. Now Quentin what was your favorite show you performed with Harold?

Quentin: It was a show that we did in a town not to far away from here. It was sold out and packed. Everyone enjoyed the show and laughed the whole night.

Okay.  Will you be returning to beach city. Maybe staying there for good?

Quentin: I know for sure that I'll be visiting beach city more often. I don't know if I'll stay yet.

Well I hope you change your mind by the time I finish this sentence.  Because You have been dared to stay and live in beach city with Harold for two weeks.

Quentin: Wait wha.......

Harold: *pats Quentin's back* C'mon Frowny! It'll be fun!

Ah Now that brings me to you Harold.  The first question is did you miss Quentin?

Harold: Oh course!  He was my best friend....... I cared about him a lot........

Awe cute.  Next question, How is running Funland?  Is it fun?

Harold:........ It's ummm tiring.......

Last one,  How do you feel about the Gems?

Harold: They are great customers...... Though they keep on breaking the games and rides and such.

Wonderful! And that's the last question for the day! *The lights begin to fade and The curtains close. She steps in front of the curtains* Well thats a wrap! See you all next time.  And have a Wonderful Thanksgiving. Crystal, stay good night to the nice people!

Crystal: Happy Thanksgiving  and Good night, everyone! By the way, Thanks to our friend whom wanted to stay anon for the asks and the dare .  Also if you have a dare or ask for any of our cast feel free to leave it in the comments.

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