Steve and Penny Hit It Off

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Janet was at Penny’s apartment to take her over to the card game. Penny said, “So tell me about this Steve character, is he handsome.”

“Well, yes, he is attractive, but…”

Penny cut off Janet’s response and asked, “Is he intelligent.”

“You can’t get as far as he has without being an intelligent guy, but you need…”

Penny cut her off again, “Would you be dating him if it weren’t for your fiance in New York?”

“Penny…” Janet almost yelled. “Listen to me, this is not a date, and I am not trying to set you up.”

Penny looked startled. “You don’t have to get mad…Why are you so upset? Are you attracted to this guy?”

“What!” Janet went ahead and yelled. “No, I am not attracted to this guy and neither will you after this night is over.” Janet continued.

“So let me get this straight. You are bringing me along to be the partner of a guy that you don’t want to deal with.” Penny said.

“Well er…I wouldn’t exactly put it that way.”

“How would you put it?”

“I just wanted to give a friend a chance to get out of the house and have a fun day.”

Penny then started laughing and said, “You do me wrong…I love you…but you know you do me wrong…I’m gonna pray for you…”

They both laughed as Janet said, “Just this one time, the guy just irritates me so much…”

“No need to say anything else, I’ll take out your garbage this time, but you are gonna owe me one…a big one…”

Penny walked out of the apartment with Janet and they drove over to the card game.


Steve was at Michael and Laura’s apartment. Michael and Laura were there. They were joking while preparing for the card game.

A knock came was at the door and Steve walked over and said, “I’ll get it.” He opened the door.

Ashley said, “Hi Steve.”

Steve said, “Ashley, wow, didn’t expect you.”

Ashley walked in and Laura looked shocked Michael walked over and said, “I am glad you could make it.”

“I thought I would have to eventually, and Janet said that she needed me to be her partner so…”

“What?” Steve said, “Janet’s my partner.”

“Well I don’t know anything about that.” Ashley lied, “But I am here to be her partner.”

“You know she said that she was tired of your antics.” Laura said to Steve.

Then another knock came to the door and Steve opened the door and Penny and Janet stood there.

Steve looked at Penny once and then he took a double take. He said, “Hello, my name is Steve Bray or your name is?” To Penny.

“Her name is Penny, Penny Young. And she is going to be your partner for the evening.” Janet said.

Steve smiled and said, “I was just saying that we should shake things up a bit and bring in some new blood.”

“No you were just getting angry because of the ‘shaking up and new blood.’…weren’t you just going off because Janet dropped you as her partner?” Ashley said while laughing.

A few others laughed and Steve said, “Me and my new partner are gonna wipe the floor up with you, my old partner as well as the Laura and Mike.” Steve said. He then turned to Penny and said, “Penny, come in, we have a seat for you now.”

The card game was actually a bit more animated and pleasant then before. Ashley was well on the way to healing from her rift with Laura over Micheal. Steve was having a good time flirting with Penny and Penny appeared to enjoy the attention as well.

Janet seemed to laugh off the flirting at first, but then she began to get a little more annoyed at the constant flirting going on between Steve and Penny.

As the session came to an end, Steve said, “I am going to give you guys a pass. The obvious chemistry between Penny and I is hard for you guys to compete with.”

Janet rolled her eyes.

Micheal said, “We just got through spanking your ass, what are you talking about.” Michael laughed.

“You know I am gonna have to agree.” Penny said, “I can’t wait till we do this again.” Penny continued.

“Tomorrow night, you and me, we don’t need the rest of these clowns to have a good time.” Steve said to Penny.

“I’m sorry, but when did this card game become the dating game.” Janet asked sarcastically.

“As soon as you brought me my date.” Steve answered Janet and then looked over towards Penny and said, “So what do you say?”

“Just tell me when and where.” Penny smiled.

Michael said, “I guess that’ll do it for us. Yall need to get out of my house anyway, we all got work in the morning.”

Steve felt an excitement as he thought about Penny, but then he remembered that he had another date that he will have to cancel if he is going to go out with Penny.

He walked Penny and Janet to the car. Janet seemed agitated at their attraction but there were fireworks going on between Steve and Penny.


“You need to be careful over what you are getting in.” Janet said to Penny as she drove Penny home.

“What are you talking about, he is a nice guy and he is your co-worker right?”

“Just be careful, he can be charming, but he loves the ladies…to put it mildly.”

“You really seem angry about this…”

“Not angry, I just want my friend to be careful about messing with dogs.”

“Damn Janet, now he’s a dog.”

“Yeah a dog…”

“Janet, is everything allright between you and your New York love?”

“What?…why…what the hell are you talking about?”

“I don’t know what it is, but you are either acting like you want Steve or something else. If you want Steve, tell me right now and I will call everything off.”

Janet thought. Then she gave a forced laugh, “No, I, I hope you and Steve have a good date.”

“Now you are sounding like my friend.” Penny responded.

Another Man (The Office Surprise an Interracial Romance Book 2) *COMPLETE*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin