Tina and Steve's Fight

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Thank you for reading Office Surprise. There are only a few chapters left, but I want to let you know about two new projects. First you want to start reading book three in the Office Surprise Series when it comes out. This book will be titled Ashley’s Turn.

Next, please go over and read my new interracial office romance series entitled “The Agency.” It is about a woman who runs a travel agency who just might find love with the R&B sensation. Check out the first chapter at this link: http://www.wattpad.com/story/24627881-the-vacation-the-agency-book-1-an-interracial

Now to our story…


Janet stood at Steve’s front door like a child scared of what will happen if she went forward, but also scared of what will happen inside of that apartment if she went home.

A number of thoughts flooded Janet’s mind. Would should open the door? She didn’t know the answer to that question. She wasn’t even convinced that she should.

She eased her ear to the door attempting to hear what was being said inside.

All she heard was low pitched hums. The low rumble, she figured, was talking, but she couldn’t really make out what Tina or Steve was saying.

“What am I doing? What am I doing?” Janet said in a bare whisper as she continued to battle with herself over whether to leave and retain any dignity she had left, or if she would make the jump and go in there.

She remembered how she would feel if anybody interrupted one of her dates, but she also remembered that she told Tina not to even set up the date.

“But what right to I even have to ask that of Steve and Tina?” Janet said. “I am the one who waited and who blew him off, and now it is probably too late. But is it?”

She then wondered what would she even say if she did go in. “I’m sorry?” That could have waited till tomorrow at work, she thought.

A slightly overweight jogger jogged on the sidewalk in front of Steve’s apartment interrupting Janet’s thoughts. Janet raised her hand to the doorbell to make it appear she was ringing it. The jogger jogged on by.

She had only been standing there for ten seconds, but it felt like an eternity.

She continued to fiddle around while she thought. “What am I gonna do?”

“Damn, I used to hate when people would act like this and not just go do what they should do!” Janet said to herself.

“I am a successful business woman, it is time to start acting like it.”

Then an elderly couple walked by looking at her suspiciously.

Janet waved, “Oh I just lost my keys in the bushes.” Janet then acted like she was looking in the bushes that were near the front door.

The couple walked on, but they were shaking their heads. The man was calm but the woman seemed to be quite animated.

“I better do it, if I’m gonna do it before someone calls the cops on me.” Janet said while looking at the door.

“I guess it is now or never.” Janet pushed the doorbell and it rang.


Tina’s tongue began to explore the inside of Steve’s mouth. The kiss was deep and passionate as her tongue danced with his. Tina ran her fingers through Steve’s hair and moaned. “Ooohhhhh.”

“What the hell am I doing?” Steve thought as his hand moved towards Tina’s backside. He continued to kiss her as he knew where that was headed.

Tina stopped and looked at Steve. “You have lipstick on your face.” She touched his face lightly with her finger pointing to the smearing of the red lipstick.

“So are you going to give me a tour of your apartment, I think we can get lipstick on other places of you.” She stood up and took Steve by the hand to lead him seductively.

Steve again admired the shape of Tina. He followed her almost in a trance.

She seductively opened a door to the right. Steve saw in it the washing machine and dryer. Steve couldn’t help himself, he started laughing.

“Why are you laughing?” Tina asked.

Steve continued to laugh.

“Stop laughing.” Tina said angrily.

“You know what, I think you may be a nice woman, hell I don’t even know cause I barely know you outside of the office, but.” Steve said.

Tina interrupted, “What do you want to know?”

“I don’t really know what is going on here. We barely know each other and you are now looking for my bedroom door, do you just want a booty call?”

“So what are you saying? You trying to call me a slut or something?”

“No…no…I mean, I would be all over you if I weren’t…” Steve said.

“If you weren’t what? I know your white ass ain’t bout to tell me nothing about…”

“If it weren’t for Janet and my feelings for her.” Steve interrupted Tina.

Tina walked up to Steve and slapped him. “That’s for leading me on.”

“Leading you on? What’s with you…”

“What’s with what?” Tina looked up and said, “This is some bullshit. You know what, you and Janet are perfect for each other.”

“I didn’t lead you on, you came in here and have been all over me the whole time.”

“Don’t flatter yourself…”

“Look you got lipstick all over me.”

“So it was just me?”

“No, it wasn’t just you, but I really shouldn’t have encouraged this…”

“Whatever, where’s my food…” Tina said

Tina walked over to the table and took her plate and scraped the food back into the takeout container that she initially took it out of.

She then took his plate and scraped it back into the takeout container.

“So you taking the food?” Steve said.

Tina ignored him. She then said, “Where’s my alcohol?” She grabbed her bottle and the takeout.

“Next time you in love with someone else, don’t go asking nobody else out on a date.” She yelled.

She began walking to the front door to leave and then turned around.

“You know what, I’m probably too much woman for you anyway.” Tina said.

Right at the moment, the doorbell rang. 

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