Tina And The Boss

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Later that day, Dr. Stevens, Tina Simmons, Michael Leon, and Ashley Miller were seated in Dr. Steven’s office. Dr. Stevens said, “OK, I am going to be back in town for weekly meetings. I want you three to make sure this initiative with Applied Research will move forward effectively. Now Micheal, you have done a good job, but I will be around much more often. This will allow you to work more closely with Tina.”

Tina smiled and Michael shifted nervously in his seat.

Dr. Stevens continued “I and Ashley will do as much as we can to clear your plate so that you two can get as much done as possible. I need you two to go through our model to determine what pieces are totally ours, what pieces are Applied Research’s and what belongs to both of us. Can I count on you two?”

Tina enthusiastically said, “Yes” and looked over at Michael. “We have worked together in the past, and I am sure we can work effectively together now.

Michael said yes through gritted teeth. He looked up to the sky and then gave a fake smile.

“OK, Ashley, please stay so that we can talk about what I need from you.”

As Tina and Michael walked out of the office, Tina asked Michael to come talk to him in her office.

Ashley and Dr. Stevens continued talking.


“This work that you are putting on us is a bit more than we can handle. I think we are going to need some more help.” Ashley told Dr. Stevens.

“Well, Tina did say that we can use as much as half of the new hire’s work.”

“Penny Young?” Ashley asked.

“Is that a problem?” Dr. Stevens looked at Ashley.

“No, you know I can work with anybody.”

“Well, she does have a strong public relations background. She will be working closely with me for a good part of this time and you as well.” Dr. Stevens said.

“I will put her on the project.”


“Penny Young, what the hell is going on?” Janet said to Steve in his office.

Steve looked at Janet, “This is going to be a disaster. Can she even do the work?”

“Well, she is good at her job, but this is going to be crazy around here. Penny and then Tina is back? I am seriously thinking about looking for work elsewhere.”

“Now what would I do without you around?” Steve asked playfully as he walked over to Janet.

“Well…um…Steve you know we need to talk about that kiss.” She lightly pushed him away.

Steve smiled, “What do you want to say about that kiss?”

She smiled nervously, “I lost my cool cause of Terry. I don’t know what got into me, I am just glad I have a friend like you who could help me out of that situation.”

“If it includes a kiss, I will help you any time.” Steve pushed himself close to Janet again.

Janet pushed away and smiled, “Come on Steve, this is the office, we can’t get into this here.”

“How about tonight then, 8 o'clock…”


“I’ll be there to pick you up, don’t be late, I’ll be there at 8…”

“You are so goofy…” Janet said.

“Well I got a secret…”

“What?” Janet asked.

“Janet Mills kisses goofy guys.” Steve said while he leaned in to give Janet a kiss but Janet moved her head to the side causing Steve to hit her cheek.

“Bye Steve.” Janet walked out of Steve’s office.

Janet thought, “I shouldn’t have kissed him, now I am going to have to let this guy down…again.”


Tina Simmons walked into Dr. Steven’s office. “Dr. Stevens, I haven’t talked to you since my interview. I want to thank you for the opportunity.”

“Well, you come highly recommended.” Dr. Stevens said while staring at Tina who was wearing a skirt a bit too short and a top that showed just a bit too much cleavage.

“Thank you, I am ready and willing to do ANYTHING to help this company and YOU.” She smiled.

“Well, I did have you in mind to work on a public relations media blitz. I know you have done something along those lines in the past. I thought you and Ashley could help me put this project together.”

“I am not sure of Ashley’s work in the past, but I have done exactly this before. I don’t really know if I need any help from Ashley, how many outlets do you need to reach?”

“Oh its a large number, I don’t have the numbers in front of me right now…”

“How about you get the numbers together and I meet you tonight to talk about the numbers. I can’t wait to get started on the project, and I can’t wait to show YOU what I can do.” She crossed her legs seductively.

Dr. Stevens stared sweating. “UH…ok, tonight come back later and I will give you the where and when.”

“How about tonight at 7PM, I will meet you at your home.” Tina stood up and walked behind Dr. Steven’s desk and leaned over giving Dr. Stevens a clear view of the cleavage. She put a piece of paper in front of Dr. Stevens and asked, “Is this your address?”

Dr. Stevens nervously smiled and shook his head yes. When there was a knock at the door. Ashley walked in and Tina jumped back.

“Is everything all right?” AShley said as both Tina and Dr. Stevens looked like they were hiding something.

“Everything is fine, did you need something?” Dr. Stevens asked.

“Yes, I began working on the media contacts for our project and I wanted to show you something…”

“…Yes…I have been thinking about that, I think I am going to make Tina here the point person on the project. Please give all of your work to her. She will be the lead on the project.”

“What? Huh?”

“She has a lot of experience in this kind of thing. She will make use of your abilities. Isn’t that true Tina?” Dr. Stevens asked.

Tina smiled and said, “Of Course…”

Ashley stood there looking angry.

“Is there anything else?” Dr. Stevens asked.

Ashley stormed out of the office.

Dr. Stevens looked at Tina and said, “I am counting on you. And I will see you tonight.”

Tina walked out of the office.

Another Man (The Office Surprise an Interracial Romance Book 2) *COMPLETE*Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora