Janet Confronts Terry

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“What the hell do you mean you broke up a fight between Penny and Steve.” Janet yelled from the bathroom as she applied her makeup. She was getting ready for a date with Terry that evening in her apartment.

“Don’t get angry baby, your man took care of everything.”

Janet walked out of the bathroom towards her bedroom where Terry was sitting on the bed. “So tell me what happened.”

“I was sitting at the kitchen table with Penny.”

“At Penny’s apartment?” Janet asked.

“Naw, it wasn’t like that. We were discussing my book.”

“Your book that ain’t nobody heard about until you spoke about it to Penny.”

“Come on, let me explain baby.”

“Go ahead…”

“Ok, we were sitting there and talking about my book and how it should do well when your boy walked in. He started yelling about staying away from her girl.”

“So what did you do to make him think you were trying to get with Penny?”

“Absolutely nothing, that’s my point. I was just sitting there and the guy started yelling.”

“So you want me to believe that he just started yelling because you were sitting there?”

“That’s the truth, I hope you believe it. I was just about to call the police, I wish I had then the police report would agree with what I am telling you.”

Janet looked at him and asked, “So you are not interested in Penny?”

Terry smiled, “Not in the slightest.” He stood up and walked over to Janet. “I told you that I was trying to get my book sold. We needed to lay some groundwork to get my book ready to be published.” He then leaned in to kiss her and she took a step back.

“Hmm…Hmmm. So where is this alleged book?”

“It’s back home, I didn’t bring it with me.”

“And Penny and Steve will say the same thing?”

“Naw, that Steve is talking crazy, I don’t know how you can even work with that guy.”

Janet was unconvinced, but decided to let everything pass until she later. “Let’s get ready for dinner, but you can bet this is not the last time I bring this up.”

Terry grabbed his jacket and walked Janet out to the car. Terry opened her door and let her in the car.

Janet dialed her cell phone to talk to Penny.


“Penny, I need to talk to you about what happened at your apartment today.”

“Ahh, it wasn’t anything much, just a little ruckus, what did Steve tell you?”

“Why do you want to know what Steve told me?”

“Well I don’t know what Steve thinks he saw, but Terry and I were not screwing, it is totally a business…”

Janet felt her temperature rise. “SCREWING?…” What?

“Naw, I said that we weren’t screwing no matter what Steve says, I was on the couch reaching for Terry’s book which I had thrown on the couch and Terry came to help me. Steve walked in when he was helping me retrieve the book. There a simple explanation.”

Janet was hot at that point she yelled at Terry who was driving.

“So what is it? Is your book here or in New York?”

“I told you it was in New York.”

“WRONG!!!, so where you sitting at the table or somewhere else.”

“Come on Penny probably don’t remember…”

“Negro, where where you when Steve showed up?”

“We were at the kitchen table like I…”

“Wrong, I would slap your stupid ass but then I would die in the car crash too. Take me home.”

“Come on baby, that is crazy, let’s go eat and talk about this.”

Janet went back to the phone where Penny was holding.

“So he screwed you huh?”

“Naw, you know come to think of it, we may have been at the kitchen table…”

“Too late bitch, If you want him, you can have him.”

“Why would I want him, your man got a big dick, but he ain’t got no money, I got needs, that’s why I gotta get back with Steve. So no, I don’t want your man.”

“Penny, just lose my damn number.” Janet clicked the phone.

“Your girl that you were fucking wants to get back with Steve, I hope it was worth it.”

“Naw baby, I don’t know what she said to you, but…”

“Just shut the fuck up.” Janet said.

They drove the last 3 minutes in silence. When Terry parked the car Janet jumped out of the car and walked briskly to the front door. Terry ran behind her quickly when she slammed the door in his face.

“Come on baby, let’s talk about this.”

Janet yelled through the door. “I don’t need to talk to your cheatin ass…”

“My clothes are in there.”

Janet walked over to the bedroom and pulled out a wad of his clothes and opened the front door and threw the clothes on the ground in frond of Terry.

“Here are your damn clothes.” She then slapped him in the face and slammed the door shut again.

“I got more clothes than this. Come on let’s be reasonable.”

Janet walked back again and took a suitcase from the closet and threw it on the bed. Terry was still begging from outside the door.

She violently threw his clothes into the suitcase. She then rolled the suitcase into the kitchen and thew the suitcase on the kitchen table. She threw it on the table and opened it back up.

She opened the front door and threw the suitcase in front of terry. When the suitcase hit the ground it opened up and his stuff went flying. He ran to get the things when She slammed the door again.

“Well what about my shoes?”

“Oh yeah I forgot.” Janet said calmly.

She walked over to the shoe rack and pulled his shoes and threw them in a bag.

“Oh yeah I forgot you also got some groceries didn’t you. Gotta make sure you get those things.”

She walked over to the kitchen and took the milk carton and poured it in the bag with his shoes.

“You better not be doing what I think you are doing.” Terry yelled through the door.

“Eggs, you got some eggs.” She cracked about a half dozen eggs and threw them in with the shoes.

She then opened the door and threw his shoes at him. “That’s all your damn stuff, know get out of here.”

She slammed the door and walked over to her bedroom now starting to cry as Terry yelled from the other side of the door. “No…not my favorite shoes…”

Terry knocked on the door a few more times and then he stopped. Janet laid on the bed crying.

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