Chapter 10

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"You know, sometimes Harry may seem like a bit of a dick, and he's not that romantic, I know, he can be, he's not that bad." Gemma explained to Niall. It was morning and so far, Niall and Gemma were the only ones up.

"Yeah I know, he's better than what most people make him out to be." Niall whispers in reply.

"So how long have you two actually been dating? Ever since you moved in or..?"

"Nah, not that long, you would've heard about me by now. It's been about a year nearly, I guess."

"Still quite long though. Are you looking for much in the future?" She asked, sipping more of her coffee.

"I mean, I'd like to be a parent someday but I'm not sure, definitely not soon, I'd like to live a little first." He chuckled.

"Yeah, I get you. Does Harry know? Do you guys talk about that stuff yet?"

"No, he doesn't, and, no, not at all. We're not that far yet."

"Yeah, I guess, sorry if I'm making you uncomfortable, I'm just nosey." She joked.

"Nah, it's fine. Ask away."

"I don't think I have much more to ask about..."

"I think I should go wake Harry up, then."

"Good idea." Niall smiled at her while making his way up to Harry's room.

He opened the door only to see that Harry's body was hanging off of the single bed, which made Niall giggle. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, just taking in the view.

To some people, the dried dribble on Harry's chin would've been disgusting, but to Niall, it was the cutest thing he'd seen in a while.

"Haz... Wake up." Niall shook him slightly.

"What time is it?" He mumbled, voice raspy, making Niall feel unimaginable things.

"Um, it's uh... Nine." Niall stuttered out.

"Why the fuck are you waking me up at nine?"

"It's weird being up in your house without you being up as well."

"Stay in bed then." He grumbled out.

"But then Gemma might think we're doing stuff... She knows I'm already awake." Niall blushed.

"Let her think what she wants, it's her own fault." He led back down, "come here." He opened his arms, waiting for Niall to lay down next to him, which he did.

And they led there for a while, Harry sleeping lightly, and Niall looking over all of his facial details. "Niall I can feel you staring." Harry mumbled but Niall didn't care, he loved looking at Harry. His face was perfect. The way his nose was shaped, the crinkles by his eyes, his plumper  lips. Everything.

"Harry, mum wants to know if you two- shit, sorry, am I interrupting something?" Gemma burst though Harry's bedroom door, making Niall fall off of the bed out of shock.

"Ah, fuck! My head!"

"Shit, Niall, are you alright?" Harry asked leaning over the edge of the bed but all he got as a reply was Niall laughing his ass off.

"That fucking hurt."

"I didn't mean on walking in on you guys, I should've knocked."

"It's fine, Gem, we weren't doing anything." Niall said, making sure she didn't think they were doing anything inappropriate.

"Yeah, Niall was too scared, kept thinking you'd walk in." Harry snickered.

"It's a good thing Niall's here then, I've walked in on you in bed too many times." Gemma tried to joke but Niall took it differently, wondering just how many people he'd been with. "Mum wants to know if you'd like to join us for breakfast? She wants to go out to a cafe."

"Why does everyone wake up so fucking early in this house." Harry grumbled, stumbling out of his bed, only wearing his boxers, towards the bathroom.

"I'm sorry, Niall." Gemma spoke when he left.

"Don't worry about it, the bed isn't the biggest for the two of us anyway." Niall shrugged, brushing the nonexistent dust off of his trousers, as his happy mood from earlier slowly deteriorated.

What did she mean by her walking in on Harry 'too many times'? How many people has he actually been with? Or is he just a fuckboy? Nah, he's too nice for that. Or is he?

"You could always stay in the guest room, if you wanted, I'm sure Harry wouldn't mind. I could ask him if you want?" She asked, breaking Niall out of his previous thought, and although Niall knew she was just trying to be nice, he couldn't help but be slightly pissed off. This is the closest to being in a relationship with Harry he'll ever get.

"What's going on?" Harry asked, walking back into the room.

"Niall said the bed was a bit small for the both of you so I offered him the guest room but I think he was too scared to ask you."

"Yeah, that's a great idea actually." Harry joined in. Niall knew why Harry agreed to it; he obviously didn't want to sleep in the same bed as Niall.

Fuck the styles' Niall thought.

"I'll show you to the room Niall and Harry can grab your bags." Gemma spoke, grabbing Niall's arm, showing him to his new room. "Um, I'll leave you to get changed but I need to speak to you later, okay?"

"Sure, I'll see you in a bit, Gem."


As soon as everyone came downstairs after getting changed, they all separated into two cars: Harry, Anne and Robin and then Niall and Gemma. Gemma insisted on it. And Niall knew what was coming up; she wanted to ask him more questions.

So they all departed and Harry even kissed Niall's cheek for the show. Or as Niall would like to think, Harry kissed Niall's cheek because he's that type of loving boyfriend and they love each other so much and they'll live together forever.

Close enough.

"I know about your plan." Was the only thing Gemma had said when Niall sat down in her car and Niall's palms started sweating immediately.

"What do you mean?" Niall asked, trying to act innocent about the situation.

"Harry doesn't like marriage. Never has, never will. He became seriously depressed when our parents split up. And when Robin an our mother together, Harry wouldn't even speak to him because of how upset the divorce had made him." She spoke, paying attention to the road. "I think that's why he doesn't show you much affection. Because he hasn't had a great past of role models and because I think he knows what you're planning. I don't think asking for his hand is the best idea. Not yet at least."

"I'm not planning on marrying him, oh god, not at all! Maybe in the future like 20 years I don't know, not now! I said earlier that I want to live and I meant it! I'm only a young adult, I'm not ready for any of that."

"Well then why isn't he as affectionate as he usually is with his previous relationships?" She asked, slightly concerned.

Think Niall!

"We uh, we had a little argument when we were coming over..." Seems legit.

"Oh, I'm sorry! What was it about?"

"Um, just a petty little argument, nothing to get too worked up on." Niall said, silencing the conversation.

Words: 1,200

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