Chapter 11

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A little filler update just
because I haven't updated
in ages


As soon as they arrived at the cafe, Niall jumped out of Gemma's car to go find Harry, not knowing if he was even there or not.

Luckily, Niall caught sight of Anne's car and ran straight to it.

"Harry!" Niall shouted, causing a lot of eyes to look in their direction. "I seriously need to speak to you."

"Are you alright, Niall?" Anne asked, but Niall just nodded, grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him towards the toilets.

"What's wrong? Why are you running? Niall? Did Gemma say something? She was probably only joking, she likes to mess about with people's heads-"

"Gemma knows something's up." Niall blurted out, cutting Harry off. "Like, she asked me why you're not affectionate with me."

"Just tell her you don't like PDA, or you're not comfortable with it, I don't know." Harry turned around, walking toward the door before Niall grabbed his wrist pulling him back in.

"She thought I wanted to marry you! She keeps on asking me about kids and the future."

"Just tell her to fuck off."

"Harry! She'll tell your mum, and your mum will definitely know something's wrong." Niall sighed when Harry didn't say anything. "If Gemma tells your mum that something weird is going on, your mum will start looking out more then she'll definitely know we aren't together."

"Fine. I'll just kiss you more. Can we go eat now?" Niall huffed, walking behind Harry, following him back to his family.

"Sorry, Niall felt a little ill but he's better now, aren't you babe?" Harry asked and Niall smiled and nodded.

"We ordered you both a full English brekkie, I hope that's alright?" Anne asked.

"That's fine by me." Harry answered and kissed Niall's temple.


"So Niall, tell us a bit more about yourself." Robin piped up.

"Uh, okay. I'm Irish, obviously, I come from Mullingar, I live near Harry now and I work at Tesco." Niall blushed, realising how boring his life is.

"You know what I just realised?" Gemma asked. "When you guys move in, it'll be easy as hell. You live next to each other!"

"Um Gemma, can we not talk about the future, please? It makes Niall a bit uncomfortable. He thinks that if we plan a future and it doesn't work out, he'll feel like he failed at life or something, so we've both decided we'll just go with the flow. No plans." Niall smiled at Harry's reply, because now he doesn't have to put up with those kind of questions.

"Oh, Niall, you could have told me that in the car! I was asking him all sorts of questions! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable!"

"It's fine, you didn't know, it's not your fault." Niall smiled towards Gemma, hoping it'll show her it's no big deal.

Throughout the rest of the meal the conversation carried on, there never being a silent moment. Niall liked that, it made him feel like he was almost part of the family, seeing as this was the closest thing to a family Niall had seen in years – apart from his mini holiday the other week. It made him miss his family even more.

"You alright, Ni?" Harry asked, resting his hand on Niall's knee. Niall looked up at him to see his eyebrows were slightly furrowed. "Mum asked you a question."

"Oh, sorry! I was in my own little world." Niall awkwardly chuckled.

"Don't worry, love. I was just saying how Robin, Gemma and I are going out later to a friend's party, you and Harry could stay at home or come with us, whatever you want?" Anne asked.

"Thanks for asking me, first." Harry whined.

"Like you'd want to go in the first place." Gemma sassed.

"No, I don't. I wanna stay home and make love to my baby boy." Harry retorted, making Niall's cheeks burn and Anne gasp. "I'm only joking, we'll go, won't we Niall?" Niall was too shocked to even speak so he just nodded his head before hiding into Harry's shoulder.

Well, Niall looked shocked but in reality, he had twenty million thoughts about Harry making love to him rushing through his head. Not the best time for that.


"Harry, where are my shoes?" Gemma shouted from across the hallway.

"How am I meant to know? I've been here for a day and a half." He shouted back, rolling his eyes. Typical Harry.

Since they got back from the cafe, everything had been hectic for no reason, Gemma started getting ready as soon as they had returned to the house, occupying the toilets as soon as possible and spending ages locked up in her room.

Niall never understood why girls took such a long time to get ready. There was no point.

"We leave in an hour, do you want a shower now or afterwards?" Harry asked Niall, sitting next to him on the bed.

"I'll have one later on I think, I don't want to waste time now if I spill something on me and have to take one afterwards."

"Alright." Harry Replied putting his arm around Niall.

What's he doing? He'd never do this without an audience... Or maybe... no. He could be doing it because he means it? Or maybe because he just wants someone to cuddle up to, that makes more sense...

A knock on Harry's bedroom door pulled Niall out of his thoughts.

"Harry, Niall, are you boys ready?" Anne asked walking into the room, "oh gosh, aren't you two just the cutest!" She gushed, noticing the position they were in.

"Um, I'm about to get changed, no too sure about Niall, you ready, babe?" Harry replied for the both of them.

"Yeah, I'll get changed now too." Niall nodded, awkwardly removing himself from Harry's grip, now realising why Harry moved to that position in the first place.

He left the room to get changed, leaving Harry and his mum to talk in the bedroom. Niall knew that as he could hear them from the bathroom.

"He's a bit quiet, isn't he?" Anne asked, not even changing he volume of her voice to hide the fact that she's talking about him. "Not your usual type Harry. That's what's confusing us. Niall's a nice lad but are you sure he's your type?"

"I think he's just nervous, mum, he's never been in a situation like this before. But I'd prefer not to talk about this now, I like him a lot and I don't want to talk about wrong choices." Harry replied back, with a stern voice, showing how annoyed it obviously made him.

It also annoyed Niall. Even though Harry and Niall weren't actually together, Niall wanted to know how it feels. That's what he's getting out of this whole fake relationship but Harry's mum is gonna make that change soon.

Niall walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom giving Anne a quick greeting but not wanting a full conversation after what he just heard.

"Right. When you're ready we'll leave." Anne gave a crisp nod while walking out of the bedroom and back downstairs again.

Words: 1,200

Flying & Falling || Narry AU BoyxboyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt