20 Day Escape: Day 10

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 Day 10:

The next few days would be rough. The drive through Utah would be hot enough, and the following drive through Nevada AND Death Valley over to California has so much room for error. But I'll try to keep my spirits high, especially because I don't think I've ever seen Len so happy as he has been the past day.

Or me, for that matter.

We were so close. Nearly untouchable.

It's a ten hour drive from the center of Utah to the center of Nevada, so basically, when we hit Nevada, I NEED to stop. This road trip has been taking a toll on my poor back. My shoulders were already tense from all the pressure, I can actually feel all my nerves pinching.

"You alright?" Len's voice comes from my right. I stop rubbing my shoulder and put both hands on the wheel.

"Yeah, just a little tense, I guess. Lots of driving." I give him a small smile. "Yesterday was a lot of work on my body, but... totally worth it." Len gives a nod. "I need more nature, when I'm done saving the world."

"Oh, so you're saving the entire world, now?" Len smirks, and I shrug.

"I'd like to think so. My father could be the next evil super villain, you never know. It'd be an injustice NOT to take him down." I crank up the radio, letting my ipod go through it's playlist. As Hey Monday comes on, I feel my inner rockstar bust out.

"If you wanted to be my only one, if you wanted to see this happen, maybe you -- you should've tried harder!"

I was still bitter about Daisuke. But, I think it's pretty normal. He's a backstabbing liar, a murderer, and officially my arch nemisis. This is a normal kid's problems, right?

"Could we stop for food soon? It's way past lunch time." Len places his hand on top of mine and I feel a smile spread on my face right away. I avert my eyes to the clock for a moment. I suppose it WAS 2pm.

"Sure." I turn off the nearest exit, deciding as I see the sign come up that Len and I would be stopping at Friendly's. I hadn't been there in years, it was finally time.

My legs thank me as I step out of the car. At first, I wobble, but as I stretch, I've never felt more relieved.

"Thanks, I was kind of starving." Len smiles at me, his blond hair shining brightly in the sunset. He holds out a hand to me, and I let him take my hand in his. We walk in, seated almost immediately, and I smile as he goes through the menu. "Woah, food AND ice cream?"

"Heaven on earth, right?" I giggle. It doesn't take me long at all to figure out I'm going to order from the kids menu, and literally no one can stop me. Let's be real, though, you can't beat chicken tenders on skewers or the monster mash sundae.

"Sounds like our first dates." Len winks at me and my teeth show from beneath my happy parted lips.

"Speaking of dates," I start, pulling out a flyer from my purse. "We won't be stopping for the night here, but we'll stop when we hit Nevada, so I figured we could do something in Utah while we're here. I saw this, and thought maybe we could go?" I slide the pamphlet across the table and Len picks it up, a bit of excitement in his eyes.

"Another fair?" He questions, but I shake my head.

"It's an amusement park. Much bigger, more focused on rides than vendors. There's so much stuff we haven't done that we could do there. Sound okay to you?" Len vigorously nods his head, looking through the pamphlet still. His jaw drops as he flips the flyer over, pointing at the park's biggest attraction, an evil, sky high roller coaster.

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