20 Day Escape - Day 3

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Day 3:

"You really went to school here?" If Len was really so interested in me, I'd start by showing him my old stomping grounds. My old high school was actually only a short walk from the concert grounds, and I can't help but feel completely nostalgic as our figures pass by all the lockers in the main hall.

"Yup, some of the best days of my life in this school." I step into an old classroom, a smile wide on my face. I had re-shelving duty in this class, and everyday after school I'd stay by myself to put the books away, taking my time so I'd get to admire the sunset on my walk home. "Isn't it beautiful?" I lean against the window railing and stare up into the sky, enjoying the warm orange glow of the sun setting in the west.

"The sunset?" Len approaches me, hand tucked in his pocket, before letting a smile come to his lips. "Yeah, I guess it is." I take a deep breath, and the warm air from the breeze fills my lungs. "What class did you have in here?"

"I had Literature in this room, I was a bit of a bookworm, so I always spent some extra time in here." I turn and glance around the room, the ghosts of my past lighting up in my eyes as they wander. Daisuke had sat in front of me, and Misaki to the left. We were always inseparable.

"Must've been nice." Len runs his hands over a school desk and I simply shrug.

"Public education has it's pros and cons. You're lucky, you pretty much know everything you need to, and if not, you can instantly change that. The only real benefit to public school for you would've been making friends." Len nods.

"That's why I think it must've been nice." He lifts his hand from the table and gives me an almost sad smile that tugs on my heart. I guess he was kind of just launched into a life, never really asked what it was that he wanted. Vocaloids were so complex, having wants and needs. So human, it's terrifying. I suppose that's why they're a well kept secret technological wise, the last thing we'd need is an army of Vocaloids.

"Are you happy, with how your life is now?" I couldn't keep the words from falling out my mouth, and my question seems to shock Len. He hesitates, but answers soon after.

"Of course, so many people work their entire lives to get where I am now... how could I ever ask for any more?" I look back out the window, unsure how to respond.

"It's only human to want more from life. Everyone is selfish sometimes, and that's okay." He stands beside me, mimicking my gaze at the sky, and our arms brush lightly against each other.

"But I'm not human." These words make my stomach drop. I had forgotten that not everyone sees Vocaloids the way I do, and I guess that includes even the Vocaloids. How did I make up for those words? How could I make it better?

"Would you like to go out for dinner?" I brush some hair behind my ear and offer Len a smile. He merely stares for a moment before giving a small nod. "Great, I've been looking forward to this all day!" I quickly grab Len's hand and pull him out of the classroom, past the lockers in the main hall, and out the front entrance to my old school. Len still seems to be spacing out, and at first I'm not sure what to do, but an idea slowly forms in my head, a sure fire way to cheer him up. I stop, mid walk, release his hand, and jump in front of him. His eyes widen.

"Nami?" Time to show my moves.

"I like you- I don't like you- I don't know- I don't like you." As I sing and recite Rin's part of 'Suki, Kirai', Len's shocked face slowly turns to a smirk, and without missing a beat, he's singing the next line.

"I like you- there's no other - I like you!" I skip backwards and continue our walk back into the main street of town.

"I don't know if I like you or don't like you. Like, dislike - it won't stop!" I quickly join my place beside him as I act affected from the lyrics "Dang it! That guy's confessions are spinning inside my head. Isn't there a middle area between like and dislike? I'm forced to make only one choice."

20 Day Escape (Len Kagamine)Where stories live. Discover now