20 Day Escape: Day 19

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Day 19:

I felt bad for some of the things I did. Pushing Misaki to talk to Neru, someone who had previously been the light of his life and now had no recognition of him, but at the same time...

I was about to do the same thing.

And it would probably hurt a hell of a lot more.

Because it was my fault.

My knuckles hit the metal door of the trailer sharply, but not loud enough to wake anyone else in the surrounding area. My heart was pounding. Why was I doing this to myself? A dim light flicked on inside, and who answered the door is not who I was hoping for.

"Nami?" Rin, looking both left and right to make sure there was no one watching, grabs me by the collar of my shirt and drags me inside.

"Hello to you, too." I mutter, pulling my shirt from her grasp as she throws me onto the couch. Rin looks over to the beds, where Len lies, facing the opposite direction.

"What the hell are you doing here?" She sounds fierce. "You swoop in and steal my brother out of no where, you're missing for a week, and he comes home a completely different..." She sighs and sits opposite of me on the couch. "Speak low, I don't want him to wake up... What happened?"

"Well," I take a deep breath. I guess it was time she knew the truth about her creation too. "Can I tell you a story, Rin? About how you were made."

Honestly, the sadness I felt in my heart, the guilt I felt for everything I had caused-- it was enough to keep my voice low. It didn't stop the urge to want to wake Len up. It didn't stop the urge to see if he truly forgot about me. But I explained why Kenmochi created Rin and Len, I explained why I always watched over the two so carefully in my time here, and I explained why they were signed into contract with my father in the first place. All stories that I'm sure Len's forgotten. I told her about why we left, I told her why Len came with me, and I told her everything that happened on the escape.

Her face was blank as I finished the story, but after she looked over at her sleeping brother, her eyes began to tear up.

"He came home.. first, he was upset. But then, he was also so happy." She brought a hand up to wipe a tear. "Like, he had finally gone and done something that made him feel just little bit normal, just a little bit more human, you know?" She leans forward on her knees. "He spent the nights writing that song he sang us a week ago, he finally finished it. And then they took him."

I didn't want to hear this.

"It's like... they took away every good thing in him. He's just." She shakes her head. "I'm not even sure he has emotions anymore." She looks back to me, and the look she gets in her eyes makes me sure I must be crying. "You wanna know something, though? I think I've always known." She reaches out and grabs my hand, "I think that, no matter how hard someone tries to get in the way, to change us or tear us apart-- Len and I will always be drawn to you. We were made for you, and I think we've both always felt that way."

"I'm so sorry things turned out like this..." I mumble, holding onto her hand tightly.

"No, don't say that. It's really not your fault." She gives me a brave smile. "And to be honest, I love singing. I love performing. And not just because I was programmed that way... Do you remember the first time we met, what you said to me?"

And I did.

"You told me you loved my voice... I don't know why that sent such an odd feeling into my heart, but since then I just... I wanted to sing to make you happy." She looks over at her brother. "If nothing else could be fixed, if your father doesn't go to jail... then I think we'd both be happy just being with you."

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