20 Day Escape: Day 15

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Day 15:

I pulled over about a mile away from the lab. I threw up. I cried. I choked. I threw up more. Everything inside of me, everything outside of me-- was shaking. I was falling apart about... them being torn apart.

I needed to keep driving. I couldn't sleep tonight.

I couldn't let that happen to anyone else.

I wouldn't.

I drove through Colorado, then through most of Nebraska when I decided it was a decent enough hour to call Kenmochi. I got his answering machine.

"It's Nami," How did I even say this to him. Would he care at all about how Leon wound up? Would it hurt? "I went to my father's lab... I. Uhm. Leon was there." I take a moment to swallow down a dry heave. "I-I have.. the evidence. I also have his memory drive... Call me back. I'm ready to put him in jail."

I pulled over again.

This was getting to be too tough on me. The crying made me tired, but my rage woke me up. I had to keep moving, no matter what.

It's times like this that I wished I still lived with my mother. When I left her, it was by choice. I packed up to live with dad because I wanted to stay close to my friends, and because I wanted to stay close to Rin and Len. It was selfish, but I was old enough to make that decision.

She really took that to heart, but never has she complained about it.

My mom was a perfect woman, and it's a shame my dad never saw that.

I miss her. Especially now, when I feel like such a child in a big scary world. I'd go see her, once this was over. Maybe I'd show her why I left. Maybe I'd introduce her to Len.

That thought scared me, too.

I finally turned the radio on, to fill my head with anything but this. If I thought anymore, surely I'd fall apart, just like the world around me.


I tried eating in Iowa. It didn't go well, and I felt horrible just for stopping. I felt selfish for eating when there was so much going on and so much I had to do.

But I couldn't keep driving without something to fuel my systems.

I was in a small diner when my cellphone went off. It was Len.

"Are you okay?" Is how I answered.

"For now," He answered. "How are you?" He sounds like he's in a small room. He's whispering.

"I've got what I need to expose him. Kenmochi is going to help." It relieved my heart a little to say that. "I'm in Iowa. I'm almost there."

"Thank god."

I was still nervous. I think we both were.

"I just want to see you again." He says.

"I want to see you, too."

"Nami. When you get here, le--"

The sound of a door opening, and then slamming shut. I can hear Len's breathing get heavier, or was that my own?

"Len?" I whisper.

"I love you, Nami."

"Len, what's happening?"

"Just remember that, okay?"

And then I hear Daisuke.

"Are you making phone calls to her again? What did I tell you before?"

And then I hear my father.

"I didn't want it to come to this, but you've backed me into a corner, here." No. "Daisuke, it's time to remove my daughter from his memory."

"NO!" I stand up, screaming in the middle of a diner, gaining the attention of the few people there. I didn't care. I wasn't embarrassed, I was afraid.

"Nami, I love you!" He says again.

"Len, don't let them do this. Run! Just run, get out of there."

"I'm so sorry."

"Please.. please don't."

"Hold him down, Neru." Daisuke says.

"I'm so sorry."

Len screams. It makes my eardrums rattle. It hurts. I keep the phone to my ear. I cover my mouth, so I don't scream too. I can't tell whether or not I still did.

"Full system reboot."

"I love yo-"

The call ends.

But I can't let go of the phone.


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