20 Day Escape: Day 17

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 Day 17:

Listening to my acoustic playlist was not the best idea I ever had, especially after days of no sleep.

I don't remember falling asleep behind the wheel. I don't remember swerving off the road. I don't remember crashing into trees. I don't remember getting pulled out of my care. I don't remember the ambulance ride to the hospital.

But I do remember the person holding my hand when I finally woke up.

"Mom?" My voice comes out like a croak, I'm still tired, and my body is shocked into a lot of pain.

"Nami," She lifts her head, looking up to me with watery blue eyes. "Oh my gosh, you're finally awake. How do you feel? Do you need some water? Are you alright?"

"Mom. Too many questions..." I take a deep breath and look around me. Definitely a hospital. Not the one I normally visited in California, though. "Where am I?"

"Richmond. You fell asleep behind the wheel." She hands me a small remote. "That's pain medication, if you need another dose." I glance over to the iv bag, where a smaller one was connected with a small amount of what I can only assume is morphine or penicillin.

"What day is it?" I bring a hand to my head, placing the remote down. I didn't have time to sleep.

"The 24th."


"Uhm," My mother glances at her white wristwatch. "Like 9pm. You crashed around 3 am, no surprise. Why are you driving at that hour, anyways?"

"I missed a whole days worth of driving." I groan, ignoring my mother's questions.

"Nami." I pull my hands from my face and stare at her. Come to think of it, I hadn't seen her in a while. Yet, here she was, at my bed side when I needed someone most. "Were you coming to see me, or something?" I could tell from the look in her eyes that my mother felt guilty, and I wasn't lying when I told her no.

"If I tell you this, you have to promise you wont try to stop me." My mother scoffs, leaning back in her chair and crossing her arms.

"No promises at all." She was my mother, after all. I don't know what I was expecting.

"... I'm trying to get dad arrested."

"--I promise I won't try to stop you."

"... what?"

"Do you need help?" She asks, leaning forward on the bed. "Honestly, that man after 6 years wont even sign those divorce papers. Do you know how hard it is trying to find a lawyer who's willing to go against him?"

"Wait, dad still hasn't signed the divorce papers?" I raise an eyebrow.

"He doesn't want to lose any money." She shrugs. "He didn't get a prenup. Selfish bastard doesn't want to spend a penny even though I birthed his child-- no offense."

"You do love me, right?" I say, mostly sarcastically.

"Of course I do!" She grabs my hand tightly. "The only reason I'm not still going after him is because he threatened to take full custody of you, he was going to stop me from seeing you." She gives a small pouty lip, and I try to stifle a laugh.

"I'm 18 now, mom. He can't stop me, anymore."

"Well, that's why I'm offering to help, now." She shrugs. "It's about time that bastard makes up for all the shit he put me through. Who do you think the house mortgage's name is under? Because it sure as hell isn't his. I'm paying for a house that I don't even LIVE in." My mom rolls her eyes, but gets a surprised look and turns her attention back to me, "Wait, I'm sorry, what are you trying to get him arrested for?"

This was going to be a long story. I guess I'd have to deal with not getting any driving done today.

Sorry, Len.


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