20 Day Escape- Day 4

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Day 4:

"What are you wearing?" My black pencil skirt and white blouse seem to surprise Len, glasses instead of contacts and heels? I was starting to look more like an assistant I guess, yuck.

"I'll tell you why once we get there, but let's just go for now, we don't have very long." I start heading back towards my old high school, preparing myself for the worst of situations but only hoping for the best. "I have some things to tell you."

"Confessing your love already?" Len smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Haha, so very funny." I push my glasses up on my nose. "No, this is more important." My heels click on the sidewalk and Len loses his smile.

"Should I be worried?" He questions, and I feel my mouth slant downwards.

"I don't know for sure... maybe?" I tuck some hair behind my ear. "I guess we'll have to wait and see." I pull open the door to my high school and step inside, enjoying the silence that goes through the halls. I take Len back to the very same classroom we were in yesterday. "Take a seat."I step up to the front of the room and look back as a wary Len takes a seat at a desk in the front row.

"Vocaloids are currently the most advanced Artificial Intelligence on the Earth, this is because Hideki Kenmochi has superior knowledge in both engineering and human anatomy. The truth about Vocaloids having such advanced, nearly biological, organ and nerve systems is actually one of the world's best kept secrets. To an outsider, Vocaloids seem like simple robots and voice programs." I stare deep into Len's eyes, and he simply sits still and returns the stare. "To anyone on the inside, Vocaloids are complex, to most of us-- superior human beings. The ability to want, feel, and need, let alone communicate these things are what place Vocaloids in most hearts as equals... I say most, because there is one man who does not see Vocaloids as equals or superiors. This man is Hajime Niigata, your manager... My father." Len leans forward on his hands, covering his mouth with them. I clear my throat and continue. "Hajime Niigata is also a man of many secrets, often keeping his rather brutal tactics of running a music industry hidden. Niigata has hired many programmers directly from Kenmochi, using them as threats and tools against the Vocaloids, so that they cannot leave his industry, and so that they are specifically programmed to whatever best pleases the crowd." I turn, my hand shaking slightly as I pick up a small piece of chalk. "Niigata kept these intentions hidden from Kenmochi when they first met and agreed to launch Vocaloids into the music industry with Yamaha's supervision. In fact, Kenmochi trusted the Niigata family so much, that he made Niigata's daughter a pair of Vocaloid specifically to be friends with for her entire lifespan." My hands shakily write my name, Nami Niigata, across the board. "Nami Niigata, from the moment they were finished, legally had ownership of Rin Kagamine and Len Kagamine." I drop my hand down and find myself unable to turn around to meet his eyes. "Though the two Vocaloids had been completed, Nami had still yet to meet her new friends. Hajime, still keeping his evil ways a secret, had asked his daughter one day if she would like to get her future friends in the music industry. He claimed they'd be happier there, and told Nami she could still spend every day by their side working in a job alongside them." I turn around, Len has stood up, and I feel my eyes threatening to tear. "Assuming only the best, Nami signed a contract that at the time made little to no sense to her... She wasn't aware that she had basically partaken in a slave trade... and Nami Niigata had started a massive wave that would soon crash over her and drown her in guilt and misery." I turn back to the board and write "TSU" in front of my name. "Nami Niigata created a tidal wave that destroyed the potential for lives, and has since the day she started working for Hajime, dedicated her time to planning revenge on the man who has so recklessly used his daughter and all those around him for his own selfish purposes-- her own father." Len has no emotions in his stare, his blue eyes stay focused on mine, and I simply close them and find myself turning my head in shame.

20 Day Escape (Len Kagamine)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang