20 Day Escape - Day 2

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Day 2:

"You were out pretty late last night." My father sits down across from me at the table at the diner. I clutch my coffee mug tight in my hands, enjoying the warmth pressing into my skin.

"Went out to dinner after the show. Got pretty hungry after that dance workout." I take a small sip of the caramel coffee and my father grabs the coffee pot left on our table to pour his own mug.

"I was surprised with the positive outpouring we got from last night's show, actually. You did a good job out there, Nami. I suppose you have more potential for this job than I thought." He gives me a small smile, patting my arm before taking a large swig of his coffee. I was nearly as bitter as the coffee, but I held my tongue.

My father was not the kind of man I wanted to work for. Working around the Vocaloids, I've seen and heard the awful things my father has previously threatened the group members who go against his will. When Miku and Gakupo contemplated taking up a relationship, my father threatened to wipe the drive that held their memories all together. No one should ever have that kind of power, so once I turned 16 and took a job up with the group, I've been the balancing act. I cool my father down, offer different solutions to problems, and relieve the group of their worries from his threats.

"We'll be heading towards Anaheim today, we'll stop for the night and then have a concert the following night. Do me a favor, check up on Meiko and let me know her status, if you could also grab the scanner and go take readings of all the Vocaloid's systems, that'd be great." I give a light sigh, barely audible to my father.

"Where will you be today?"

"I've got a meeting with Teto Kasane to discuss contracts, and afterwards I have a very important business call with Hideki." I raise an eyebrow.

"A new Vocaloid?" He simply shrugs and focuses on his pancakes.

"Don't know yet."

Honestly, I think I'd be happier if Hideki stopped making them altogether until my father was out of power.


"Meiko? I'm here to go a system check." I knock lightly on her bus's door, and she meets me at the entrance.

"Of course. I'm feeling a lot better, I'd say the update went well. Hopefully that update included an anti-Kaito package." She sits on small red loveseat in the bus and holds out her arm for me. I grip the small scanner in my hand and run it over her sleeve, much like you would scan a barcode at a grocery store. My iphone lights up and reports a full system recovery. I smile at the brunette.

"Congratulations, you've completely recovered!" I tuck the scanner under my arm and send the file to my father.

"Did I hear that you were the one to take my spot last night?" Meiko stares at me with her wide brown eyes. I give a small nod. "Apparently you did a great job, congratulations to you too! Just don't think you can take my spot! If you wanna kick someone out, kick out Luka." She winks at me and I shake my head.

"That was just a one time fix, I have no intentions of doing that ever again." Meiko pauses and frowns.

"Why not? If it went so well, who's to say you shouldn't fill in when there's errors? We have errors all the time!" Was she encouraging me, now?

"That's why we're running system checks twice a day, now. I take mornings and Misaki does night checks. If there's an error, we can have it fixed before showtime." I give her a small bow before heading towards the door. "I'll see you again tomorrow morning, Meiko. Rest well!" I take a deep breath before heading over to Miku's bus, met eagerly by the blue-haired star.

20 Day Escape (Len Kagamine)Where stories live. Discover now