3 | Packing & Leaving

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***** TAYLORS POV *****

"Ok so they're supposed to get here later today..." I said scratching my head.

Gabriella laughed and took the laptop away from me.

We were currently seated in my living room couch. She decided to come over since it was Sunday: her day off. We weren't really hanging out... Unless you count hacking into a hotel system hanging out.

"Just let me do my magic." Gabriella said and started typing away.

"Well alright. I'll go make something to eat." It was past noon and we both hadn't eaten anything.

"Is leftover pizza ok with you?" I asked from the kitchen.

Looking into the fridge, there really wasn't much to choose from. Funny. I have money but I don't have food. I guess Justin, Oli and I were too lazy to shop for any.

"Uh... Thought you said you'd make something? But sure. Bring me whatever, I'm starving." Gabriella yelled back which made me laugh.

I put the pizzas in the microwave and grabbed whatever drinks were left in my fridge.

"Bon' appetite." I set the plate in front of her on the coffee table.

"What? No drink?" She scoffed leaning forwards to get her pizza. She kept the laptop on her lap and continued typing.

"There's drinks. Uh..." I looked down at the random drinks I had picked out. Root Beer and a Mountain Dew.

"Is root beer ok?"

"Not really. I kind of hate that stuff." She laughed.

Of course she would.

"Oh... Right. Here." I handed her the Mountain Dew.

"Now this I love." She smiled as opened the bottle, taking a sip.

Of course she would.

I sighed and opened my root beer up, leaning back on the couch.

"What?" She gave me a skeptical look before turning back to the computer. "Alright?"

"Yeah. I'm fine... Just Hayley hates root beer and loves Mountain Dew." I shrugged. Man I was such a sob story.

"Well if you would tell me more about your past I would've known that. But you don't tell me much about your past. Why not?" She pushed.

"I've told you. You don't want to know the old me. I was a snobbish dickhead who didn't know what he was doing." I said.

"Yeah... Well you were only fifteen. Now you're eighteen but you're still a child" She chuckled.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm not a child. If so, then that means you are too."

"Nope. I'm two years older than you remember?" She smirked.

"Whatever. Did you hack the stupid site already?" I asked.

She held up her finger to my face.

"Chill. I got it, I got it. Now we'll be able to see who checks into the Hotel at what time. All we have to do now is wait..." She said and continued eating her pizza.

And that's what we did. We waited. Hours.

"hey a new name popped up." I said as the screen lit up.

"Yeah but it's only..." She leaned closer to read the name, making me anxious.
"Someone named Chad Gilbert."

"I don't know him. Let's wait some more."

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