4 | Reunite.

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***** HAYLEY'S POV *****

"Alright. Let's go." Jeremy said as he handed us each our keys. We'd be staying in this Hotel for about a week since we have two shows in London. We've already gone through a whole day. It was around 10 pm.

"Thanks." I murmured towards Josh as he grabbed my suitcase for me, "But I'm not a queen. I'm just your friend Hayley." I said and snatched the bag from him as we walked towards the elevator.

He frowned but followed behind.

"Uh. Correction! You're not my friend. You're my best friend dummy." He said and poked me.

I laughed,"yeah yeah sorry." I smirked.

"I just want to do something nice for my best friend." Josh pouted.

"You've done enough. Really Josh." I smiled and rested my head against his shoulder. With that, he brightened up and wrapped his arm around me.

We finally reached the room and opened it up- to find two rooms only.

"Alright. I know this will be awkward since we don't have our tour bus yet but..." Jeremy turned to me.
"Who do you feel most comfortable sleeping with?"

I shrugged. I didn't mind.

"I don't care. Josh?" I turned to him.

He smiled, "yeah! You can sleep with me. Just don't you dare drool on me alright?"

I laughed but didn't say anything. What? I don't like to say stuff I don't mean. I might drool on him...

"Ok. Zac C'mon." Jeremy nudged Zac as they went into the room. Josh and I went towards ours and as expected: there was only a queen bed.

"Ok what side do you want?" Josh asked setting his suitcase down and opening it up. He started taking out his shirts and hanging them up on the closet.

"Right side. The left side just doesn't feel right, Ya know?" I said opening my bag too.

"Maybe because it's not the right side?" He smirked emphasizing the 'right'.

"Right!" I smiled

We both cracked up laughing. It wasn't a huge joke but I guess we had the same humor.

"Ok well... Should we go meet up with the All Time Low guys?" Josh suggested.

I got up quickly and almost yelped.

"Yes! I haven't seen Jack and Alex in forever."

"Ok let's go." Josh said opening the door.

We knocked on Jeremy and Zac's room but they said they didn't want to come. They said they'd meet them up later. Most likely, they were playing video games.

Josh and I shrugged as we headed towards the Elevator.

We reached the front desk to ask for their room number.

"I'm sorry m'am but we aren't allowed to give you, or anybody, that information." She smiled fake-like. I bet she hated her job.

"Please? They're our friends." Josh butted in.

"Sir. I cannot do that. It is a violation of our privacy policy and I would appreciate it if you and the lady would stop asking." She sternly said.

Ok no more Mr.Niceguy... Ms.NiceGirl? Yeah that. Whatever.

I leaned my hands on top of the desk, it was a bit too tall for me so my shoulders looked weird. How was I supposed to intimidate the lady into giving me what I wanted looking like a baby deer who's learning to walk?

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