7 | Go with it

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***** TAYLOR'S POV *****

"You're kidding." Justin said behind me.

"What?" I asked and continued packing my suitcases.

"You're gonna leave? Just like that? What about the album release date?" He continued.

I shrugged and walked to the other side of my room, gathering up more things.

"I don't know. I just have to go. I have to see her and this is the only chance I get alright?" I said.

"Taylor you can't throw around your career like that. You're not even joining their band. Only a replacement for their rhythm guitarist. It's a waste of time" He shakes his head and sits on my bed, watching as things from my room start to disappear into my suitcase.

"I know. It might be." I said.

I grab my things and start headed downstairs. Justin follows.

"Tell Oli I'm sorry. I'll text you when I get there." I said just as I hear a honk. My cab must be here.

"Taylor-" Justin tried once more but I exit the house before he can protest.

I walked towards the cab. I gave him the address of the Hotel and he nodded.

The ride was silent. I didn't bother listening to music on my iPod. Everything was too intense right now. I knew Jeremy was lying when he said Hayley really did want me to be the replacement. I wasn't going to turn down the offer though. As much as Hayley may hate my guts, I still love hers.

Guts. She has a lot of those. She's the most bold person I've met.

The cab finally pulls up and I take a deep breath. I hand him the money and get out with all of my belongings. The cab pulls away and I'm left alone on the street.

I go towards the main desk and ask for Hayley's room number but they say she already signed out. Weird. Jeremy said they'd be here today.

I text him quickly.

T: where are you?
J: on our tour bus now. We're about two blocks away from the hotel.

He sent me a link to the directions. Apparently they were parked in a huge parking lot.

T: alright. See you there.

No use in calling a cab, I'll just walk.

Dragging my suitcases along, I pull my beanie closer down to hide my curls. I liked my hair short, I liked my hair long. I like my hair medium length. But in between medium and short- it got weird.

I walked and finally reached the tour bus. Looks like this is where I'll be staying for the next couple of months. It'll be worth it. It has to be.

Hesitantly, I knocked on the door. The door slowly creaked opened and out came Jeremy.

"Hey." He smiled. He was probably the only one expecting me. And probably the only proper greeting I'd get this whole day.

"Hi. Is Hayley in there?" I asked. To be honest, I was a little impatient. I wanted to do them a favor but Hayley was the main reason why I was doing it- why I was hererrr

Jeremy put his hands in front of me and made me take a few steps back.

"Whoa. Hold on there Romeo. Take it easy. She's still pretty pissed about last night." He said crossing his arms.

"I know. That's why I want to see her and apologize." I continued.

"It's not the time." Jeremy shook his head.

Grow Up (sequel to teenagers)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora