10 | The Letter

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***** HAYLEY'S POV *****

Taylor and I walked down the road. I was getting hungry again.

"Hand me that bag of muffins would you?" I smiled as he nodded and handed them to me. He didn't say anything.

I shrugged and opened the bag. Inside were some blueberry muffins and a... Note?

I took it out.
'From Gabrielle- To Taylor' it read. My chest suddenly felt heavy. This can't be like... A love letter? What if Taylor loves her too?

I bit my lip. I didn't realize what my hands were doing. I was putting the note into my pocket. I have to read this first.

"Hayles." Taylor called as I jumped a little.

"Huh?" I asked looking at him.

"You gonna eat any muffins? That bags been open for like three minutes, they'll get cold." He gave me a small smile and took two muffins out. He then snatched the bag and handed me a muffin.

I thanked him and ate the baked good. What am I doing? I can't hide this from Taylor. What if it isn't a love letter? What if it's something important?

"Where to next?" He asked and moved small curls from his face. His hair is getting longer now. Just like it was a couple years ago.

"The bus I guess... The guys must be waiting for us." I said. They probably weren't even on the bus yet. But I had to get away from Taylor in order to read the note.

"Oh... Alright." There was slight disappointment filling Taylor's voice.

"The breakfast was lovely. Thank you." I gave his hand a small squeeze as we got onto the bus.

"Anytime." He gave a weak smile and shut the bus door. The guys weren't back yet.

"Hey I uh... I'm gonna take a nap." I tried my hardest to yawn, "I've just been really tired lately."

"Ok. I'll be out here if you need anything." He smiled as I backed away into the bunk area.

I took a deep breath once inside my bunk. Alone at last.

I took the note out and started reading.

I know we've been talking about how you and Hayley should get back together. The thing is, I don't want you to. I've know you for a long two years now... I've developed feelings I can't help. I just needed to tell you before you went off on tour and made the big decision of trying to win back Hayley or not. I couldn't tell you in person. I'm sorry. Please think about us. I need to know if there is any chance for us to get together. If not, then I can begin to move on.
Love, Gabrielle."

I let out a frustrated and long sigh. Looking down at the letter, I stuck it behind my pillow and got out of my bunk.
Should I just not give Taylor the note?
Ugh no. What am I saying? I shouldn't care.

I don't want them to get together. But I shouldn't care.

I bit my lip and got out. The front door of the bus opened and the three boys came in. Taylor was nowhere in sight.

"Hey hayles! We brought you back something." Josh smiled and handed me a tiny shoe.

I took it. Looking down at it, I laughed a little. It was pink and sparkly.

"What's this?" I raised it up.
"For your keychain silly! It's a friendship thing the new found glory guys got us into. That Chad and Ian guys are super cool! They have ones like these." Josh explained.

I laughed and took out my keychain. I hooked the sparkly pink shoe to it.

"I guessing you all have one now?" I looked between the three.

"Yup!" They all pulled out their keychain and showed their identical tiny shoes strapped to them.

"Here, we brought one for Taylor!" Zac smiled and pulled out another.
"I'll go get him." I announced and headed to the back lounge. Where else could he be?

Sure enough, as I opened the door, there he was seated reading a book.
I tossed the tiny shoe at him as it landed on his stomach.

He looked down and grabbed it.

"What's this?" He laughed looking up at me.

"For your keychain." I lifted up mine as he smiled.

"This is stupid." He stated
I scoffed and acted offended. "You're stupid."

He just rolled his eyes and hooked it to his keys.

"It's a friendship bracelet kinda..." I crossed my arms and rocked back and forth on my feet. I finally decided to sit beside him.

"That's cool." He laughed and returned to reading his book.

"What're you reading?"

"The perks of being a wallflower."

I smiled slightly. "That's my favorite."

He smiled back.
"Yeah I know. You had like three copies in your room remember?"
I blushed slightly.

"Relax. I just read it a couple months back... I'm reading it again. I can see why you liked it so much." He said seeing me blush.

"I didn't like it. I loved it. I still love it." We chuckled as the bus suddenly roared.

"Guess we're off." I said and got up from the couch.

I looked down at my bunk.

I should give Taylor the letter. But what would I say? ''Hey I took this letter from the bag because I thought it was a love letter"? No. I couldn't say that.

I don't have to deal with this right now. I continued walking towards the front of the bus.

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