5 | Here We Go Again

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****** TAYLOR'S POV *****
**three days later**

"Here you go sir." The flower lady said. She handed over some random flowers. They looked pretty enough.

"Thanks" I gave her a warm smile and took the flowers; I handed her the money. For once it wasn't raining as I stepped out into the streets.

Alright. Now to the grocery store.

My hands were more sweaty than expected as I opened the door to a small store near by.
I went towards the beverages and found what I need.

Alright. I have everything. Time to drive.
I get into my car and head towards my destination.

***** HAYLEY'S POV *****

"I still can't believe you're in a band." I laughed towards James. We were currently chilling in my hotel room's living room. Josh was in our room and Zac and Jeremy went out to explore the city.

I stayed here. I find out James is in a band and he's touring with us? What are the odds of that.

"Yeah. I still can't believe I'm touring with you Hbomb." He smiled.

I returned the smile.

Was I still mad at him? No. It's been years. What he did doesn't seem to matter anyways because Taylor and I broke up either way.

"Well believe it punk because you have to deal with me for months." I playfully punched him. We both smiled and soon the small moment was broken when Josh opened the door to the room.

"Oh. Hey hayles. I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat?" Josh questioned.

I thought for a moment.

"Yeah sure. Cmon." I got up.
"James do you wanna come?"

"Nah. I'm gonna go pack practice a bit with the guys for tonight's show. See you there." He kissed my forehead and left the hotel room.

Josh raised an eyebrow at me.
I pretended not to see him questioning me and got out.

"Are you dating him or something now?" Josh asked as he fell into step with me.

I shrugged. I don't think I liked him... I guess I could. But that would be wrong. I don't want to use him as a way to get over Taylor.

"Nah. We're just friends. Remember? He's the guy I told you who used to live in your house." I said and got into the elevator, Josh right behind me.

"Well yeah. But you never said you were that close." He scoffed.

"Yeah well we are. I've missed him." I said and stared at the empty space in front of me. The elevator started to go to the main floor.

"Oh." Josh said and as soon as the elevator opened he got out.

"Well where do you wanna eat?" I asked
He shrugged and kicked a small rock when we had exited the building.

"Beats me. You choose. My treat." He smiled as I wrapped my arm around his.

"Ok! Cmon. James mentioned this great restaurant just a few blocks from here." I tugged on his arm as we turned corners and finally arrived at the restaurant. I think it was way too fancy for me.

"Oh... Nevermind this is way to expensive." I said and started walking away. Josh took a hold of my arm.

"I got it covered. Don't worry. Now come." He said and dragged me inside.

"Are you sure?" I asked.
He ignored my question and asked for a table of two.
The waitress guided us and we sat down.

"Hey. Are you that band.... Uhm... Paramore? Yeah that!" She smiled as she handed us our menus.

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