9 | Lunch

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A/N: sorry I haven't updated in like almost three months :/ school has been a pain and It made me totally forget about this story! This is a short chapter but I'm just hoping to get things started again!

***** TAYLOR'S POV *****

"It's a day off." Josh announced,
"Zac and I are going to the mall before we get going."

Jeremy was still snoring and Hayley was sitting across from me eating a salad.

"See Ya." I tried my hardest to smile. I really didn't want them to leave- what would I do with Hayley and I alone?

The door closed and I sighed a bit.

"So?" Hayley turned to me. I looked up, a bit startle at her starting a conversation.

"So what?" I asked confused.

"So how about that Lunch? As friends." She stood up and raised an eyebrow.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

She rolled her eyes and shook her head gently,
"No, tomorrow. Yes now, when else could we?"

I was taken aback by her bold attitude towards me. I liked it- at least she was talking to me.

"O-ok." I got up from the couch,
"Let me just... Uh change." She nodded and sat back down. She already looked amazing in her skinny jeans and sweater. No need to change for her.

My hands were sweating as I looked through my duffle bag. I decided to settle on a dark blue flannel and black skinny jeans with some black vans. I slid on my beanie and slid on my long coat.

I walked out.

Hayley looked up and smiled a bit.
"Well you clean up nicely."

I looked down at myself. What's so nice about some skinny jeans and vans?

"If you say so." I shrugged. She looked me up and down before grabbing her cellphone.

"Let's go then. Take me to any place you want. I mean you've lived here more than me, you ought to know this city well."

I chuckled lightly, "uhm... No. I only go to this one café really."

"Well we shall go there then!"

I nodded and we walked out of the bus.

We made small talk about the setlist and the band.
We made our way inside the cafe and I was instantly greeted but Gabrielle.

"Taylor! Nice to see you haven't left yet." She smiled and then turned to a very confused Hayley.

"Hello, you must be Hayley."
They shook hands and Hayley nodded slowly.

"Good guess? Who are you?" she laughed a bit.

"Gabriella. I met Taylor here when he moved. He's a big knucklehead." She laughed and punched me lightly in the arm.

Hayley looked in between us and nodded slowly,
"Uh yeah, I guess he is?"

Gabrielle smile and sighed, "ok well I'm guessing you guys came for some breakfast. Take a seat."

I grabbed Hayley's arm and led her to a booth where we sat down.

"So... I'm guessing she has a crush on you?" Hayley chuckles a little.
I looked at her in disbelief.

She rolled her eyes, "Oh Cmon. You can't be that oblivious can you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. She doesn't like me."


"She doesn't!"

I felt like I was in middle school all over again, talking about crushes and such.

Gabrielle walked up and handed both Hayley and I my regular order.

"Eat up. If you need anything let me know." She smiled at me and walked away.

"Fancy." Hayley says while looking down at the pancakes and sunny side up eggs in front of us. "And a cup of joe."

I smiled at her and started eating my eggs.

We ate in silence. Not to say it was a comfortable silence at that either. I could still feel her being mad at me.

"Hayley." I called.

She looked up questioningly at me, sipping her coffee.

"How can I fix things?" Was all that could come out of my mouth.

She shook her head and looked down.

"I don't know. I still haven't figured out how to forgive you yet. This breakfast is nice and all our talks are too... But then I remember what you did... I just... I don't know how to feel."

I nodded and continued eating. My mind was racing on finding a way to fix things. I have to. Even if I can't date her again I still want her in my life.

"Right" I mumbled and continued drinking my coffee. I shrank down, ashamed for leaving her without any communication. How could I? Why did I? I was so selfish focusing on my own future. Hayley was my future.

We finished our meals and got up from the table.

"Wait!" I heard Gabrielle's voice and turned around.
"Here's a couple muffins for the road. Be safe and good luck." She smiled and handed me a bag. I gave her a quick thank you hug and left with Hayley.

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