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***** TAYLOR'S POV *****

I awoke. Someone was pounding on something and the bus was moving. I could feel it. What time was it?

11:03 AM my phone read. I slept in you could say.

Pulling the curtain back, the sun blinded me as I got up, stretched and headed towards the front area.

Jeremy was pounding his fist against the table as Josh and him had an arm-wrestling fight.

"Oh hey- t- taylor." Jeremy waved with his hand that wasn't being crushed.

"Hey." I looked around. Zac was seated on the couch watching TV. Hayley was watching the two guys wrestle.

She looked up. We made brief eye contact before she quickly returned her attention to the two guys.

I scratched my arm,
"Hey... Uh... I don't me to be rude, but do you happen to have any food around here?"

"Is cereal alright for you?" Josh asked as he struggled to bend Jeremy's arm back.

"Of course." I nodded.

"Here I'll get it for you." Zac said getting up. I followed him. He opened a cabinet full of other junk food and about four different types of cereal.

"You like captain crunch?" He looked over his shoulder at me.


He handed me the box and then got a cardboard bowl out from under the sink.

"Milks in the fridge." He smiled and returned to his seat.

I smiled back and took the silverware from a drawer.

Gladly, I poured the cereal and milk and sat down beside Zac.

"I give!" Jeremy said.

"Ha! You can't beat these babies." Josh flexed his muscles which made Hayley laugh. I missed her laugh.

I noticed I had been gripping the spoon so tightly; I was starting to bend it. I should be the only one to make Hayley laugh like that. But, I guess I lost my privilege.

I finished and put the bowl into the trash.

Hayley reached over me and tried to grab a plastic bowl. She was too short so she slipped a little, bumping into me.

"Sorry..." She mumbled.

"it's ok." I smiled. I looked up at her as we made brief eye contact just like before. She nodded and waited for me to get out of the way. Talk about awkward.

"Hey Taylor do you want to practice guitar parts with me?" Josh asked.

"Yeah that'd be good." I nodded and grabbed my Gibson, heading towards the back lounge with Josh.

He smiled as he opened the door for me and we walked inside the back.

"Ok. So what song do you want to practice."

Josh shook his head.

"Look. Taylor I know you and Hayley used to date and all." He sighed, "but do you really think you'll win her over again?"
He laughed dryly.

"I- I don't know. Those aren't my intentions at the moment. I just want to be her friend again... But then again I also hope she would take me back-"

"Well you're wrong. You had your chance with an amazing girl and you blew it." He shook his head, pointing at me.

I was now confused. Why did he care so much?

"Now it's time for someone else to treat her like she deserves. That someone else is me. Back off." He snapped and sat down.

Well... What a great way to start practice.

Just then, Jeremy's head popped in through the door.

"Is it cool if I join your mini rehearsal?" he looked between Josh and I.

"Sure." I nodded. Jeremy smiled and sat between me and Josh as we plugged our instruments into our small practice amps.

I wasn't worried about Josh at all. He didn't have a chance with Hayley. She doesn't date those kinds of guys. I bet she only views him as a brother or something. That guy can't threaten me.

We practiced and I think I've almost got all of the songs memorized for the next show.

"Let's go eat." Jeremy suggested and got up.

Josh and I followed him. Jack and Hayley were sitting playing video games with Zac.

"So it is true." Jack laughed getting up to face me. "Mr.Curlyfries is back. What's up T?" He brought me into a hug.

"I'm uh- Im good j-Jack." I was a bit stunned he greeted me like family.

"Wow who tore your confidence? Why so nervous?" He raised and eyebrow.

"I don't know." I shrugged. I shouldn't be nervous but I was.

"Jeremy, are we gonna get hotdogs?" Jack asked and Jeremy nodded.

"Of course." He turned to us and waved. We were left alone now.

"Hey hayley-" I tired but Josh interrupted me.

"Do you want to go eat something? I'm starving." Josh smiled.

Hayley looked between Josh and I but shook her head.

"I'm not in the mood to eat. You guys could go eat though." She shrugged and got up, heading to the back lounge.

Josh was about to say something but didn't. Instead he gave me a sad look and went out. Zac followed him.

Well... It's now or never.

I walked to the back lounge and knocked on the door.

"I said I'm not hungry Josh." She groaned.

I bit my lip. Wow- just two years ago I wouldn't be this nervous. I would go in there and flirt my ass off- but things have changed. I'm not the pretend bad boy anymore. I'm just Taylor now.

"It's uh- it's me, Taylor." I say and open the door.

"Oh." Her face drops but she soon returns to strumming the guitar in her lap. I decide to sit quite far from her. I don't want to invade her space.

She looked up at me confused. "well I don't bite Taylor." She rolled her eyes.

"I know. I just thought you wanted your space." I shrugged.

"I do. But don't look at me like I'm a monster or something. Don't be so nervous or scared. So what I'm mad at you?" She simply said.

"I- I don't want you to be mad at me. I don't want to make things worse either. I'm just trying to fix things."

"Taylor if you think for one second about asking me out-"

"I'm not talking about fixing our romantic relationship. Just our friendship." I asked with hopeful eyes.

She seemed to smile a little at that.

"That doesn't sound like such a bad idea... I mean you will be touring with us for the next three months. I'd hate to have this tension between us." She sighed and put the guitar down.

I smiled. "Yeah. Me too."

My heart was beating a thousand miles per hour.

"Would you like to go to lunch with me? Just friends." I swallowed.

She looked up as if to see the answer on the ceiling.

"Hm.... Just friends? Alright." She looked at me and got up. She left without another word.

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