Chapter Two: Unwanted Reality

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                I have woken up from the place I've been for a long time. Regretting if what I just did is wrong. I started to regain more consciousness. She held me tight and carried me out. Who are they really? Where am I? What am I?

Chapter Two: Unwanted Reality

"Let's go, we don't have much time!" the boy yelled.

We ran out of the room. Everything is so bright. Are they really here to protect me? I'll just have to keep moving. The place is made out of large white lighting tiles. He is also one of the people that I've seen in my dream. We reached a corridor full of enemies and she fought them back.

"Go on, I'll catch up." Gen yelled.

"Is she going to be okay?" Snicx asked.

"Don't worry, she can do it. You are more important than her." He said with a sarcastic voice.

"I heard that. By the way, happy birthday!" She replied.

"I almost forgot to greet you too. Happy sixteenth birthday. Let's go"

That cheered me up a little after knowing that I was abducted. I think leaving her behind might be a bad idea. I still have no idea what is happening. By the way, he's Veil, second year student like use. He's taller than the both of us, blacked and long haired, large eyes, carrying two weapons. Both of his weapons are sickle with crystal green color and long chains attached at the end of the handling of the weapon for long range attacks. I remembered him in my dreams... my memories. I still have tons of questions to ask but right know... we must escape. But what about Gen... we can't just leave her behind like that. We have finally gone far from her passed a lot of corridors.

"Veil, wait!" I yelled. "We can't just leave her behind, she's in trouble."

"No she's not; she can handle herself I know." Veil ended it with a smile.

"No, we need to get back, I know that you know a lot about me, but she knows a lot about me than you do, please we have to get back. I need to know what I am, who you are guys, why I was here on the first place." I told him with toneless voice. And then a short silence.

"That will have to wait, right now, we have to escape, but if you want to know why you were here on the first place, follow me."

I followed him around and yet again passed a lot of paths. We reached a door with green light coming out of the borders of the door. And yet again, terrified to know the truth, but I must see for myself. This will uncover on why am I here on the first place. When I was going to open it, he held my shoulder; I turned around with him making serious faces. As I turned around, he let go of his grip.

"Once you went there, I need you to be fearless. After we went out, I need you to focus, we need to escape. Understood?"

"Understood, I'll try not to be. After all, this is what I came for, right?" I made a small smiling face.

As I opened the door, I went inside immediately. I kept walking with Veil at my back. I looked around, left and right. I walked slowly and noticed bodies inside circular containers with green flares, sleeping. There were like a thousand of them in room with no light but green. Wires were injected to all over their bodies and a helmet on their heads with larger wires connected. I looked at one specimen. His body is still incomplete, still thin, no hair, short limbs. I read its name.

"Snicx067, what is that?" I asked slowly.

"Come look here, it's an almost done body." As he told me, I came closer. I read the name, Snicx078.

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