Chapter Four: Recalling the Past

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                Another day and no dreams of nightmares, I only dreamt on what is currently happening. I sometimes dreamt those dreams mean something that it could connect to the future. That doesn't stop me from doing my training. Today I dreamt about me with someone talking about serious stuffs.

Chapter Four: Recalling the Past

"When are you going to tell him about his past?" Veil interrupted.

"Soon, I don't want to rush and make him furious." Gen answered.

It's been a week since I've been train to kill some Arcanades and everyday... I get stronger. As I wake up from my sleep, I always think on what training have they prepared for me. I prepared myself and walked out of my room. The others are already awake. It's time to ask about my past.

"Moring" Gen says. "Sup" Veil says.

"What have you prepared for me today?" I asked.

"Today, we are going to the place that I want." Gen talked.

"And I have some stuffs to do, you guys go along." Veil requested and walked out of the room.

"Where?" I asked. "What training must I do now?"

"We are going to the amusement park, there's an anime convention there and I need you to help me a rare item." Gen requested. "This will be part of your searching training."

"Okay then, when?" I asked.

"Now." She pulled my arm and pulled my whole body to the door by force.

A while later and we have arrived at the amusement park. The place is packed and a lot wore Cosplay costumes (Cosplayers are people who wear costumes of Anime). I'm still wondering the rare item that Gen has been talking about. The place is like a dome with a couple of large balloons at the top. As my heart pounds for excitement in searching a rare item, adrenaline rushed through my blood.

"I need you to find the Domo Kun Plushie with him holding a bowl of Nikujaga. It is Domo Kun's favorite food." Gen insisted. "My collection will almost be complete!"

"You made me go here just to look for a collection?" I yelled.

"I told you, this will serve as your searching training."

"This better be worth it." I searched the surroundings looking for that Plushie. After a while, I saw the item. I took it and will be going to the counter. I called Gen that I found that Plush toy. Out of nowhere, the toy has been taken from my hands.
"Hey! Give it back!" then I called Gen. "They got the toy! Find a person with Domo Kun t-shirt, Domo Kun hat, Domo Kun shoes and shades." The great chase has begun, running through crowds of people; he pushed the large Domo Kun cosplay. I jumped and kept on running. I lost sight of him and forced to move on; He went out behind a stand and to the counter. Before he could, I blocked him and he was surprised. When he turned back, he bumped to Gen. Gen got the toy and paid to the counter.

"I got it! I got the rare Domo Kun item!" Gen is so happy. We went outside the convention, I thought that I would have a reward; the only reward I want is to know about my past. My mouth opened but before I could speak, she spoke first.

"Since we are at the park, how about we have fun? Let's go to the haunted house!" Gen interrupted. We went inside the haunted house and bought some tickets. This is so going out of my allowance. We went in, after a while, we came out with her hugging me fearfully.

"What's the reason of us going inside if you are just going to scare yourself?" I asked.

"You want excitement, don't you? Fine let's go there!" she suggested that we ride a roller coaster. After a while of walking, eating, screaming like a girl, running and some other rides, we went to a bench.

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