6) Pain is the breaking of shell that encloses understanding.

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I am trying to change my writing style. I believe that you like this.

I believe that I will get 1k comments in this chapter. Thank you guys.

The question for this chapter..... Say any crazy wish you have?

My answer is as usual on the end.


6) Pain is the breaking of shell that encloses understanding.


What do you do when the only one who can make you stop crying, is the one who made you cry?

Though tears no longer flowed, my eyes were tired of weeping. My heart was sick of the woe.

Pain is the breaking of shell that encloses understanding.

Now I understood those words.

Life had always been bad for me. I was  starting to accept the fact that life is bad. But suddenly, life proved that it was not bad but worst.

I thought people were bad to me but now I realized that my own mother's words did those to me.

I was walking alone in a night. I hadn't reached hostel yet. Did anyone care? No.

Everyone was partying as college life had come to an end. Did anyone invite me? No.

All my life, I thought I was pushing everyone away. But the actual fact was, they pushed me away.

They were surrounded by friends but who am I surrounded by?

They say if you are walking at night in the Indian roads, you have to face street dogs. I had seen most of the roads having gangs but not the above mentioned group of street dogs.

The irony was, even they didn't come near me.

I am not going to be the same guy. I am going to be a MAN from this moment.

I saw a girl walking and thought it is the perfect time for me to act like a MAN. I went to her.

I have to ask her name first. I think that is the first step.

I said, "Hey! You ..... You kn...." I cleared my throat, "Your father ... No mother.... No parents... Yes..... Your parents might have....."

This girl was watching me like an Alien who had jumped straight from the Avatar movie.

"Your parents might have had a name for you, Am I correct?," At last I asked.

She saw me for a minute and walked without saying her name.

What did she expect? Can't she understand that I am tensed?

It should have showed that I don't flirt. It should have made her interested as I won't see another girl.

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