8) What is the next pain for me?

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The questions for this chapter is

What do you think about social media on a personal note?

Which is your biggest embarrassment?

Please read this.

Yagappar is not Addar at 19. He knows the meaning of lot of things though not all.

Yagappar is Addar at 16-17. He didn't know what is the meaning of rising a middle finger till kohli showed it on Australia.

I am not pure like Addar now. I socialised. I socialised and I observer people.

Addar is a pure soul. I was once a soul like that. Now I know meaning of lot of words.

I know that I promised a different chapter but changed it in the last minute


8) What is the next pain for me?


If you are truthful to a fake person then it is not a quality worth appreciation. It is an idiotic quality. 

The World appreciates people who spin a web of lies to achieve. People don't ask how they achieve or how these winners behave. They just say they are winners.

No one cares about morality nowadays. They just want a victorious man. They don't need a human with morals. 

There is only one way to make people support you in this world. Say to them that your actions will bring those gains, and they will support you.

No one supports you for your good intentions anymore.

If Gandhi or Nelson Mandela lived now, people wouldn't leave them to be pure. Being pure and selfless is like wearing a t-shirt with words "I want to be bullied." 

In the early 20th century, there was a saying that only the fittest survive. If you ask me an equivalent saying of that would be that only the selfish survive.

If you want to be selfless in this world, get ready to beg in the streets. Nowadays no one is ready to help the poor so get ready to starve. 

We were asked not to cry for the past or worry for the future. We were asked to live for today. People started doing it, but they over did it.

They kiss any one even strange and random people. They just think about what the kiss gives them at the moment. They forget that the kiss is something special, reserved for a soul mate who comes in the future. They don't want a soul mate either. They want to enjoy their freedom.

They don't care about the example they are giving to the present generation. They kiss every girl without thinking that their nephew or some other child is watching them. Do they even give any thought as to what will the child think about their actions?

People live a life without morals. They are selfish. They think I have to succeed now, why should I think about someone else's victory.

A life without morals, selfishness, and I-will-do-whatever-I-want approach, these are what people believe in nowadays.

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