13) These girls have no idea on how much it pains.

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My home is in panic mode as Yagappar is suffering from heavy cold.

Don't say it is just cold.  He won't take medicines. He is scared of them so it is worse.

Don't ask him to be a man and all. Four years back he needed 3 people to feed him medicine. One should catch his hand and another should catch his legs.

Third one should force feed him.

Now he is at least eating alone. So leave that poor fellow.

He is a great and brave mam.  Leave him alone.

If you can give him some ice cream and leave him.

This book is ranked #199 in spiritual as of 28/10/2015.

Thanks a lot. I have finished three chapters in her dreams. I published one of them.

So I wrote one in this book too.

The question is Say one thing which you changed after coming to wattpad and one thing which you nearly changed but didn't?


13) These girls have no idea on how much it pains.


I went near that girl. She seemed like crying. The voice inside my mind which was asking me not to reach her was growing more loudly with each step I took. She was bent down. She was hiding her face in her hand.

"Excuse me, any problem?"

"Actually, what the hell is your problem?" she shouted at me. Even though I couldn't see her face, I was sure that she was shouting at me.

"I thought you were crying so I wanted to hel-"

My voice failed. This is awkward. I am invading her personal space. I don't initiate conversation with girls.

She lifted her head. It was clearly soaked in tears. There are some faces. They are too innocent that you won't want them to lose their smile. The moment I saw her face, I realized that this is a face which should always have a smile.

She replied, "What do you think of yourself? Do you think you are some stupid knight in shining armour?"

Virtual venom was all over her words. I heard her whisper some rude words about boys. I should have got offended and left her.

But I stood at the same spot like some magnet was attracting me. She continued to cry for some time. She saw her phone and started to cry more. I thought of the time when I cried alone.

May be I am staying here so that I can give her the feeling that someone is near us.

I made sure that my body didn't touch her body. She was seeing her phone and crying more. I leaned and saw a movie poster in her phone.

It was a classic Hindi movie. It was a cult hit among the romance story fans. Shah Rukh Khan and kajol acted in it. I think it ran for many years.

I forgot the name but it was a good movie. It kind of inspired me to love.

"Why do you cry on seeing this movie poster?"

She moved further as if some meteoroid landed in between us and gave me a look of disgust.

"Who the hell are you? Don't you have any sense? How dare you sit near a girl in this lone place?"

Once again, Addar is insulted by a girl.

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