34) You did that for years but expect me to end in months

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This chapter is dedicated to Sriram_Gudimella

One of the few boys I know.


34) You did that for years but expect me to end in months.

Addar woke up and rubbed his eyes. He slowly turned his eyes to see Catherine who was sleeping on his bed.

It has been five days since their marriage and he was getting used to sleeping beside her.

He stood up and went to bathroom. He took a bath and came out with wet hair while wearing a blue T-shirt and black track pant.

This was one of the few changes in his life now. He was used to sleep shirtless with a shorts in his room but now he is wearing a shirt and pant always.

He saw Catherine standing in front of the mirror and tying her hair. When she saw him he smiled at her which she returned. He went out to the living room and sat on the couch. He took coffee from maid and started to sip it.

Television was showing the news about the latest news about Indian Prime Minister's visit to USA.

USA's president has said that his country will support India to become a permanent member in UNO's security council.

His dad sat near him on couch while eating biscuits. His dad said, "When UNO was formed, India was given permanent member but Nehru refused due to his non-alignment policy."

Catherine came after some time with her hair open and sat near him. She started to read a newspaper too. A news flashed on Television which said, "Chennai city police commissioner accused of torturing his child as he doubted his wife having an affair."

This news got their attention as the commissioner was always on the news for his honest nature.

Reporter continued, "Mr. Kumar has been accused for inflicting cigar scars on his two year old son as Kumar thought he was not born to him."

The news changed to show an old couple who were actually Mrs. Kumar's parents who were accusing Mr. Kumar.

Addar's dad who was staring silently said, "People are getting too ruthless. Once people were not good strangers but now people are not even good parents and children too."

Sri who entered the living room said, "The fact that some people don't have morality is making many loose morality saying the world is like this."

After Sri sat on the couch Addar said, "They're quoting the proverb, 'When in Rome be a Roman' to their behaviour."

The news channel continued showing news of Mrs. Kumar requesting for the custodial duty of her son.

She had said that she is no longer with her husband so she can take care of her son.

Mr. Kumar has been banned from meeting his son.

Suddenly everyone heard someone shout, "HEY GUYS!" Catherine was the only one who was startled as everyone else knew only one who is easy enough to do this.

Catherine turned to see Harini walking into the room. She didn't forget to see the smile on Addar's face.

She stood before them and said, "You have a big garden and all but you are staying inside this concrete jail. Get up! LET'S GO!"

She made everyone stand up and dragged them to garden. A dome shaped hut was in the middle of the garden. Everyone came under it.

Harini was talking about cinema gossips.  In this short time, Catherine understood Harini doesn't stop talking once she start to.

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