46)You know nothing about what happened after media found new stories

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This chapter is dedicated to Neetha1

Question for this chapter is, "Do you agree to the rules of your country? If not then explain say one law and also say why you don't agree?"

46) You know nothing about what happened after media found new stories

Addar was clutching the steering wheel while Catherine was shocked. RAPE! SHE WAS RAPED! Catherine was screaming in her mind. She knew that it's unbearable to think of not having a parent. She knew how it is to feel that, she lost her dad.

Suicide is a worst way to die, especially for relatives. But dying due to being raped is not even imaginable. I can't even imagine it.

She was scared but she knew what she should do. She shouldn't ask him but she couldn't control, "How did it happen?"

Addar didn't say anything and Catherine was regretting asking that. They stopped near the charity home which they were visiting. Addar opened his door and went out. Catherine followed him. He met the in charge and said that he wants to volunteer for the day.

When they were giving out food to those residents he said, "It happened when I was a child. He forced himself. Doctors tried their best. Dad arranged the best at that time but even if it is now she can't. He hurt her inside, Cat. Every bruise was cured but there is no treatment for injuries and infection inside the body. He said in court that he was misled by a porn video."

She knew how he must be feeling and once she thought it was weird but now she accepts it. She held his arm tightly. He stopped walking and looked at sky, "Misled Cat? Could you believe it? This society thinks poor should be spared and Rich could bare anything."

Addar was now feeding a mentally disabled 8 year old guy who was smiling at him and tugging at his collar but Addar continued with tears, "Is it bearable to lose my mom like that just because I am rich? I have heard people say at that time, 'Who knows what that rich lady do to seduce that poor guy'. I never understood what that meant then."

Little guy sensed that Addar was crying. He started to wipe Addar's tears. Few other mentally disabled kids came to wipe his tears. Some even tried to tickle him. I am not sure why these kids are called mentally disabled. They should be called mentally able.

He tried smiling for them while he continued after kids left him, "Judge found him guilty and sent him to prison for 8 years. He came home after 8 years as you could see he is living a life of a gentleman." He was referring to the way he was beating a girl in road.

In India, you can urinate in public and hit a woman if she is your wife on road but not hug a woman or a woman to wear a jean in road. Indians don't hesitate to call a guy who hugs his girlfriend as a disgusting guy but they ignore abusing a girl.

He continued talking while he was giving out food and making beds of old people, kids and physically disabled ones, "Indian law says you could imprison rapist for life which is 10 or 15 years. I am not sure. After Delhi rape case its changed to death sentence but there is one word in it that boils my head or anyone who went through these."

Addar stopped walking. He didn't turn to face but was rigid and I tried to hold his hands. Even though she held his hand tight he was motionless before he said, "It said highest punishment could be offered for rarest of cases!" He continued after a moment, "For them my mother was one of lakhs of cases but she was my only mother."

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