Entry Fourteen

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I must state clearly that I was not inebriated at any point during this night. Trust me when I say I know what alcohol can do to a person and what happened to me was an entirely different matter.


As I swallowed the drink that included the droplet of his blood, I noticed it had a slight metallic quality to it.

"You're going to feel strange, but trust me when I say you will be perfectly alright. I'll be just over there - I won't let anything bad happen to you," said Geroux, as he moved back to his seat at the table.

My vision began to blur. I stood to move, and suddenly the room was spinning. I fell back into my chair. I was not in charge of my faculties.

Despite me not having control of my body, I felt oddly in control, almost... strong. Yes, I believe that would be the word to describe my state.

Suddenly, lots of very small people appeared to be moving in the room, crossing the table toward me. As they came into blurry view, I realised they were not small people, but rather, the ornaments from my bedroom.

"Is she okay?" asked a small, tiny voice, that sounded like a young boy.

"Yes, my darling, she's just seeing things differently for the first time," replied a much older, womanly voice.

I swear by my life, the teacup and teapot were talking. Again, I had consumed nothing except that small gulp of wine.

"Can she hear us now?" asked the mantle-clock in a weathered, old man's voice.

The ornaments all had little eyes and mouths made into their design. The candelabra, had arms and the teacup had a nose. I had never noticed any eyes or mouths when they were in the bedroom.

"Yes, but not for long, we must hurry. Places everyone!" ordered the candelabra, who appeared to be the one in charge.

Many things moved quite quickly, too fast for me to see in my state, but I believe chairs, tables and even dishes were moving into position on the candelabra's command.

"And a one and a two and one, two, three."

The entire room burst into song and dance. The candelabra, mantle-clock, teacup and teapot took the lead, while the dishes, spoons, and cups erupted in a chorus of dancing kitchenware.

The other chairs and tables danced around the room, in a horse-like fashion. The curtains moved like women in beautiful ballgowns. Chests of drawers opened and closed in time with the song, swaying rhythmically. Cushions on the chairs were spinning on their corners.

And I have absolutely no idea where the music came from.

They sang a welcoming song to me. The candelabra in particular was quite the soprano.

During the rendition, I looked over to Geroux. I was watching him, unsure of what he was going to do. But he just remained seated. All of these bits and pieces had just come to life right before our very eyes and he continued to eat his dinner as if nothing was happening.

My attention went back to the performance. The candelabra jumped onto a length of cloth hanging from the chandelier (which was also dancing) and swung around the room, adding emphasis to his words. As he did, he left a trail of sparkles, like stars, in his wake.

Every moment was so fluid and full of life. It was absolutely magical.

I was overwhelmed with joy and felt very welcomed into the house. I had forgotten where I was.

The music died down and the song ended. For the first time, Geroux appeared to address the ornaments. I could not make out what he was saying and also my eyes began to feel heavy lidded.

The ornaments all turned back to look at me, as well as Geroux.

The candelabra spoke, "Goodnight, Mon chéri."


And then I woke up in my bed and have been questioning my sanity ever since.

The candelabra, mantle-clock, teapot and teacup are all back in my room. Inanimate, as they should be.

Oh mon Dieu!!


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