Bad grammar.

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1) Bad grammar. There is no reason a fourteen year old should be writing something like, "How did it went?" 

2) Too fast. The characters have only known each other for a week and they're already saying that they're in love with each other, or taking it to the next level. 

3. Misused commas. It's so annoying when, every, sentence has, commas placed like, this. 

4. When the author drags on about what the character is wearing. "I pulled on my blue jeans and my All Time Low shirt that I ordered online three weeks ago. I found my Vans in the cluttered closet and put them on. Next I made sure I had all of my bracelets on. I checked in the mirror to make sure my hair was straight, applying a layer of shimmery lip gloss before heading downstairs."

 5. Titles that are a question. (E.g. I was captured to be a vampire slave, now I'm pregnant?!)

by ivylee1027

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