Alarm clocks

354 32 4

1) Alarm clocks. I hate my own, hon, I'm not putting up with yours.

2) Clearly ill-thought-out relationships. "Excuse me? You don't like my dad so I'm not to see him again?" POOF, the Breakup Fairy has come!

3) Text speak. Is your story written in text messages? No? Then spell. Things. Out!

4) Mid-chapter author's notes. You know: 'storystorystory <HEY lol I love this song!> storystorystory'. No. ANs at the beginning or the end, not the middle.

5) The two pages of outfit-describing. I really don't care about your character's hot pink tank top, yoga pants, and furry boots. They got dressed. Good for them, they passed kindergarten.

by ScaryScarecrows

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