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1) I absolutely hate when people write with one sentence structure throughout the whole thing. Also, if they have tons of drag on sentences. There are things called commas and periods, use them.

2) Written in "text speak" (R u comin 2morrow?)

3) Descriptions about random things like the mud on their shoes, and absolutely no explanation about where they are.

4) When characters all of a sudden are all knowing and wise during stressful situations. If I were them I would be rocking in a corner hoping everything would go away. Main characters usually believe everything too soon.

5) In dialog, when characters randomly use giant words that no one can understand. A smaller word is more realistic, I mean who would use words like that in real life?

6) Lastly, I CANNOT STAND bad boy/nerd stories and generic cliche werewolf and vampire stories. What is the point if we can already guess the ending? Girl gets boy of dreams, alpha finds mate, etc. Seriously they are way overused!

by Kitty_Kats46

"Agree with the last one. People think big vocabulary makes there work seem more sophisticated, but like come on, it doesn't fit in the scene, or it's so big an average person would have to go google it to even understand what the character did." -dauntlessdiamonds

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