Teen sex

281 21 4

DistantDeeps: It gets me so pissed. The guy just winks and its true love. Grrr.

Rureal: They be like "OMG IT WAS LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT AND I JUST WANNA RIP HIS CLOTHES OFF" next thing you know they're having kids.

Grim__: Then if they take birth control they "forget" to take the pill for a day and get preggers. There is birth control IV shots if you're that careless about taking your pill maybe you shouldn't be having sex.

DistantDeeps: Come on, we all know those birth controls are important. You just don't simply forget them if you're sexually active, well at least I hope. Let's hope the female writers of those stories are a little bit better at it in real life. [If not] I foresee soo much teen pregnancies.

Grim__: Most of those girls aren't even having sex they're using what they read as a guide.  

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