the end of all things

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this song bring tears to my eyes. not only because how generally beautiful it is, but because it reminds me of my friends. it pains me to think about loosing them. to think that one day. i won't call them at random times. it pains to actually believe that one day, they won't be their for me. my friends are one of the reasons why i'm breathing. i know a lot of people would be like (why do you care so much about that) because their not considered as my friends their considered as my family. that watched me grow up. that watched me go through complete hell. who saw me break myself and they saw me get better. they mean the whole world to me. i love you guys
but last year i lost someone so special to me, i didn't eat, i wasn't the same.
always appreciate the people you have cause one day you will loose them.

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