drifting apart

389 7 2

the wind blew cold

The traffic was light

as a young girl

jumped from a bridge

as if she could fly

sorry guys i know i promised you guys i would update like i used to but things this week go so out of hand that i literally broke down and strayed cry.

i just noticed that me and chelsea are drifting apart we don't text anymore we don't call anymore we don't even talk anymore we don't even make eye contact anymore. but it's okay she has another best friend when i was there when she cried when she talked about she problems i was there. i was there being a good friend. now 7 years of friendship is down the drain.i just want my life back. i really wanna just die and never come back. i just wanna take grab a bottle of pills and swallow all of them. i just want to end it all its not like anybody will care anyways. i love you guys so fucking much.

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