you are beautiful

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hey guys so i know some of you guys dont see what you really are, and trust me I've gone through all of that. You are beautiful you may not think it but outside if those flaws your perfection. you only see yourself in mirrors and selfies not in person.

those suicidal thoughts telling you to take those pills tie the rope write 'that' note..push it away cause your not worth that. but we all have flaws we may not be perfect like the others want us to be but we know we mean someone to atleast one person in this world.

i may not know all you guys but I see your heart before i see your face you all are beautiful. your worth it. i was just like you i'd minor suicidal thoughts ...i even tried to do suicide but i was thinking about my would they feel if my principal announced i wasn't alive or my parents my gamut what will they do.

You are beautiful you may not think you are but you are... your worth it

say strong

no be strong

i seriously love you all

but p.s you guys are beautiful though

so what you don't get 100 likes on a selfie your still beautiful you always was and always will be. you know your beautiful don't listen to what people have to say...

I love you all


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