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my birthday is april 18

my zodiac sign is Aries

my favorite number is 18 and 7

i was born and raised in new york

i lost my grandma when i was 5

my parents are divorce

i have one biological sister and 2 step brother and sister

my favorite color is blue and purple

i have a beauty mark on my nose and the side of my head

the last time I saw my dad was 3 weeks ago

i am Dominican and American

i'm addicted to Taco Bell and Netflix

my full name is dileyne demetria Marie

i'm closer to my mom than my dad

i have a brother but i don't talk about him

my hair color is mix I know weird I didn't dye it or anything but it's light brown and dark brown with the tips are aquamarine

I used to do swimming and soccer and karate

i am obsessed with one direction

and Viners

my favorite quote is everyone wants happiness no one wants pain but you can't have a rainbow without alittle rain

i'm a matt girl as in matthew espinosa

i love all the boys

so yeah

my social medias

twitter:ariesdili and my back up dileyne18xo

youtube channel: dileyne18xo

vine❁ espinosa❁

Instagram: espinosababee_

kik: jacob_dileyne

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