life gets worse

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my life is taking a downhill right now
why can't it be 2010 when i was happy and filled with happiness in my life. i felt loved and when i cried was when i stubbed my toe. now i cry myself to sleep. i never thought i would cry so much in my life. i wanna hurt myself to bad but i know i would be hurting the ones who want me to get better but i just don't think why am i even in this planet. why am i still breathing. what's so important about life what's so good about life. what's the point of loving someone when there gonna leave in the end. what's the point of faking a smile all the time when people think your happy. just because someone is laughing and smiling doesn't mean there happy. the best disguise is a smile on someone's face when deep inside there breaking apart. there torn.i really want my old life back. i want the old friends i used to have.we used to go outside and be soo childish we used to do anything that would come to mind. and now i barely talk to them one is having girlfriends being the player he is . one is living is like me broken inside. why does life have to be so complicated. what did i do this time to get payback. i should of enjoyed my childhood when it lasted because now the girl that was once daddy's perfect angel isn't daddy's girl anymore. i can't even look at a picture of my dad because it tells me that he never acted like a father to me. he was a complete stranger to me. my sister she's perfect. good grades. good looks anything you could think of. if i showed you a picture of her you wouldn't think we're related. she's the perfect one and i'm the broken one. my 8 year old self wouldn't be happy for me.
just why does life have to be this way
why does life even matter at this point.

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