dear best friend

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dear best friend

your're one of the best things that's ever happen to me

i love you and i don't want to lose you

because my life has been better ever since the day I found you

this poem goes out to me best friend chelsea

she has been there for me since ever

she's one of the reasons why i stopped self harming

she's the one who brightens my day every single and puts a smile on my face

we have been best friends for almost 8 years and she still puts a smile on my face

even when i'm having the shittest day

she's the first thing I see in the morning

because i have a photo of us near my bed

she's one of the most greatest human beings on this earth

she's the greatest thing I have in my life

and i never wanna lose her

i love you chels

forever will

- dileyne xoxo

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